From our schools: DHS The Log

Published 9:20 am Monday, January 29, 2018

Preparing the next generation of first responders


Danville High School

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At Danville High School, an array of new classes and curriculum was added this year. Ms. Misty Viands, an R.N. with twelve years of experience, is teaching courses in Allied Health, which include principles of health science, body structures and functions, and emergency procedures. She has also created a “health care jobs” bulletin board outside the classroom where students can pick up information sheets on various medical vocations such as nursing, respiratory therapy, medical technology and pharmacy.

Recently, Mrs. Viands added another set of capable hands — mannequin Susie, a patient care simulator by Gaumard, a company with the goal of creating the next generation of revolutionary medical simulation equipment. In a tweet posted on Jan. 8, Gaumard stated, “Susie was developed to create realistic and outcome-focused #clinical experiences.” Students interacting with Susie learn the basics in dealing with the following:

•   acute myocardial infarction

•   acute respiratory distress and syndrome secondary to motor vehicle crash

•   asthma attack

•   chronic obstructive pulmonary and disorder exacerbation

•   fluid and electrolyte imbalance

•   heart failure

•   hypoglycemia

•   new onset diabetes

•   pneumonia

•   sepsis

When asked about her classes, Mrs. Viands replied, “I teach my class with a few minor goals in mind, but one major goal: to get students certified in basic first aid, CPR, and first response care so they can achieve higher levels of learning in medicine and care after they leave Danville High School to pursue a career or degree in the field of medical work.”  

Students are flourishing under Mrs. Viands’ direction, gaining an understanding that a career in the medical field may be very stressful and complex, especially when covering diverse content such as acute or long-term care.  

Next year, Mrs. Viands is hoping to add additional equipment such as IVs — or even an X-Ray machine. With a handful of optimism in her voice, she replies with her thoughts for the future of her program: “I am very excited to build this program and to see what will unfold of this program in the future!”

Danville High School students are excited and welcome the challenges.

End of January, end of resolutions?

Absolutely not!


Danville High School

January is coming to an end once again. The glee from the holiday season is wearing off, and so is the motivation to make this year different. While the practice of creating New Year’s resolutions have been a common tradition for many years, it always seems we are quick to ditch the goals we’ve decided to chase. Everyone experiences the troubling issue of tackling whatever they’ve decided to get rid of or begin. At Danville High School, many people have their goals, but we all may need some tips on keeping up with this goal as February springs upon us.

Several students at Danville High School have established their goals. Maddy Mullins, a sophomore, has a goal of losing weight and being a better version of herself. This is a goal that must be pursued throughout the whole year, not just started on the first and abandoned on the second. Charlie Hall, a junior, explains that he wants to challenge himself to do things that are out of his comfort zone whether it be in regards to his extracurriculars or establishing different friendships.

Even freshmen at DHS have their goals; Emily Barringer wants to try to stop lying. Isn’t that a solid goal? Some students have faltered on their goals and given up. Barrett Minks, a junior at Danville, decided to be a vegetarian for his resolution; two weeks in, he has eaten meat. We’ve all been there: realizing our goals are too difficult or too complicated for us to continue. Others, like senior Sara Barringer, don’t even try to set a resolution because we know the outcome will always end in failure. How do we change this mindset and continue persevering to accomplish our goals? It’s easy: just read an article (this one — please and thank you).  

Step one: Set a reasonable goal

You know yourself the best. Realize who you are and what your limits are: if your arms are sticks and you wish to get muscles, trying to lift several hundred pounds right away is unrealistic. Set a goal that will fit to your lifestyle and your needs–not someone else’s. This will help to prevent discouragement and failure.  Remember, you are only human and you can’t expect to immediately excel in everything from the beginning.  Don’t let Facebook Karen’s goal of losing 40 pounds affect what your resolution will be when you know you have a severe addiction to Taco Bell.  

Step two: Make a plan

Creating a plan that can help you follow through with your resolution can help your resolution become more successful. For example, if your resolution is to travel to the beach, save up your sick days, and every time you get a paycheck, put a bit aside to make sure you don’t spend it. Do this until your dream becomes reality.

Take one day at a time. If one wishes to quit something or simply reduce        the use of it, whether it be junk food or overuse of luxuries such as television,   s/he should try to reduce it slowly. If it is something addictive such as caffeine,     it can be painful to quit all at once. Small steps are more reliable than wild leaps of faith. –Dylan Cunningham

Step three: Give yourself cheat days

Trying to change your life in a drastic way can be a struggle, I understand. Having a day maybe once a week where you can indulge in your favorite sweets and taking a break from pumping the iron can help you succeed in making your resolution long term.   

Here we come to a close with January and this article; don’t let either just stop here. Keep your goals and maybe keep this article in your back pocket to refer to through the months that will be the most difficult (yes, we know that means the 11 months after January).