‘Appalled’ at treatment of board chair
Published 9:04 am Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Dear Editor,
We are the proud parents of Paige McReynolds Matthews, chairperson of the Danville Board of Education. Our daughter has a full time job besides her responsibilities as a member of the school board. She wanted to be on the board because of her love for Danville Schools and her community. She has given up her weekends to attend school board retreats and continuing education classes. She has given up nights of seeing her children participate in school-related activities to be at school board meetings. She has worked hours at home on meeting materials.
We both worked for the Danville Schools. One of us taught for 25 years in the system. Our daughters are both DHS graduates and our granddaughters are students there now.
We are appalled at the cruel, ugly comments that have been made about our daughter in regard to the release of Supt. Look. It was only in the best interest of the entire school system that the board not extend his contract. Some may not know that many people have contacted the board to express their support for this decision.
We are highly disappointed in the negative response from some people in Danville, the place we called home for almost 40 years. We wish they could have agreed to disagree without attacking our daughter’s character and other members of the board.
We hope the people of Danville will support the hiring of a new superintendent and be a positive influence to the board and the Danville Schools instead of attacking them.
John and Jo McReynolds
Hilton Head, South Carolina