Try not to miss life’s ‘flowers’
Published 6:18 am Saturday, March 17, 2018
Interim publisher
At one time or another, almost everyone has been told the old cliché to make sure you “stop and smell the roses.” But, in today’s fast-paced, 24-hour, all-go world, it may be more apt to make sure we don’t forget to notice the flowers in the first place.
It is very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and take for granted the people around us, life’s simple pleasures and all the miracles this great world has to offer.
It’s really a constant battle for me, personally, as I sometimes allow work to upset the balance between my personal and professional life, but it is one challenge I work hard to overcome.
Although I have shared some of these over the years, just to help people get to know me a little better, here are some of life’s “flowers” I enjoy.
• Hugs from my two daughters when I walk in the door after a long day at work. No amount of stress or bad day can withstand that unconditional love.
• Evening playtime with my kids that ranges from board games to video games to reenacting their favorite scenes from a movie.
• Conversations with my wife after the girls are in bed, talking about everything and nothing at all.
• A good cup of coffee any time of the day.
• A great dinner or a new restaurant to savor (Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact I don’t miss too many meals).
• Those quiet moments in the middle of the night that mild insomnia so generously provides.
• Seeing collaboration and hard work pay off with a satisfying result.
• Learning something new, which happens many times each day if I’m lucky.
• Seeing a friend, family member or colleague achieve success or being able to share in their happy moment.
• Meeting someone new or gaining a perspective that broadens my horizons.
• Learning something new or building on an existing skill for no other reason than personal enrichment.
• Seeing a favorite sports team overcome obstacles to succeed; or even giving 100 percent before falling short.
• Engaging with some form of media — newspaper, magazine, book, movie or television show — that sparks an emotional response or causes me to think deeply.
I’m sure there are so many more that I have overlooked or taken for granted.
It never hurts to remind ourselves how special life is and how blessed we are to be on this planet.
Michael Caldwell is interim publisher of The Advocate-Messenger and Danville Living magazine. He can be reached at (859) 469-6400 or by email at