Arts Commission receives matching grant from Louisville Fund for the Arts
Published 6:03 am Friday, April 6, 2018
Press release
The Arts Commission of Danville/Boyle County is one of 15 statewide arts organizations awarded grants in the 2018 ArtsMatch program of the Louisville Fund for the Arts. Through the generosity of the sponsors, LG&E and KU Energy LLC and the Jennifer Lawrence Arts Fund at the Fund for the Arts, arts organizations across the state have been selected representing innovative arts projects which will benefit a wide range of ages and art forms.
The Arts Commission was awarded for its “Building a Community of Artist Entrepreneurs” project. Through this project, five teams each composed of a professional artist and an apprentice will be selected from applicants in the Central Kentucky area. Artist mentors will be chosen based on demonstrated experience as working artists within their disciplines. Apprentices will be selected from among high school age applicants who have expressed serious interest in careers as professional artists and have shown a high level of artistic discipline and productivity.
The Entrepreneur program will begin in August and will have three main components. Teams will work individually within their arts disciplines over a six-month period. Teams will participate in the November 2018 Gallery Hop in Downtown Danville incorporating marketing and promotion strategies into their exhibits.
Through out the program, the teams will meet as a large group to discuss arts issues relating to development of appropriate and successful business models and community engagement. The teams will invite community members who have an interest in a strong arts presence in stable economic development to join in their discussions.
Teams will participate in field experiences across the state to study areas where arts and artists have successfully integrated into the business culture.

Photo by Mimi Becker/Arts Commission
Stump carving: The weather finally cooperated and Buck Graham and Dennis Toadvine began carving this week on the Kentucky Yellow Tree stump at Constitution Square. The carving will depict the early settlement and days on Danville. The process will involve several layers of rough cuts with chainsaws and then fine hand cutting to bring out the details. Follow their progress on the Arts Commission on Facebook and stop by for a look.
The grant funds and match will be used to provide professional stipends to the mentor artists, cover materials for specialized arts projects, pay city business license fees for apprentices, reimburse participants for travel expenses related to field experiences and cover administrative expenses incurred by the Arts Commission.
If crowd funding exceeds the grant and match, the Arts Commission has the option to expand the program to include an additional artist mentor — apprentice team.
ArtsMatch is a fund matching program. The total budget for the Entrepreneur project is $7,125.00. Through crowd funding, donations to the Fund for the Arts will be matched up to $3,562.50 for the Arts Commission project. Donors do not have to pay the fee for an online donation, the Fund for the Arts covers the fee so every dollar donated is matched for the project. Donors may choose to make contributions by check to the Fund for the Arts which will be matched and credited to the Arts Commission. Make checks payable to the Fund for the Arts and mail to the Arts Commission at 105 E. Walnut, Danville, KY 40422.
To donate on-line go to down to the Arts Commission logo. Donations are accepted and matched up to May 31st.
Artists and apprentices interested in information or application to the program may contact Mimi Becker, Executive Director at the Arts Commission by email arts@historicdanvilleky.comor text 859-691-0316.
The Arts Commission is pleased to have local in-kind support from the Boyle County Extension Office, the Economic Development Partnership and the Convention and Visitors Bureau.