Heart of Kentucky team contact speaks at Kiwanis April 19 about partnerships with OCC
Published 6:13 am Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Press release
Dawn Camic, a community contact for the Heart of Kentucky team with Operation Christmas Child (OCC), was the speaker at Kiwanis Club of Danville on Thursday, April 19.
Dawn shared with the Kiwanis that in addition to working through many area churches, OCC is now engaging more actively with other groups, like Kiwanis International, to reach children.
When a child receives a shoebox gift through OCC, not only do they receive a mixture of helpful and fun gifts, handpicked by folks just like us, but they also begin the path to hearing about Jesus. Millions of boys and girls have the opportunity to learn more about Christ’s gift of salvation and what it means to follow him through The Greatest Journey, the follow-up discipleship program that Samaritan’s Purse, the parent organization of OCC, developed for shoebox recipients.

Photo contributed
Dawn Camic presenting information about OCC and the organizations numerous new partnerships with other charitable groups .
For more information about becoming involved with Operation Christmas Child, contact Dawn Camic at (859) 583-1887 or dawn.camic@gmail.com. Further information can be found at SamaritansPurse.org/OCC or through toll-free (800) 353-5949.
To be part of informative programs like this, and to learn more about Kiwanis Club of Danville email nicholsphilip3@gmail.com or robertc@stuartpowell.com.