Wofford the best choice for jailer
Published 11:55 am Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Dear Editor,
Any and all persons who offer themselves for elected offices in this country deserve our thanks and respect. I certainly honor them.
One candidate for elected office as jailer in Boyle County has earned the respect of his peers, his fellow employees at the jail, at Fourth and Main, and more importantly perhaps, within the Boyle County community.
Brian Wofford has all the right background, and I won’t bore you with a long list of his many accomplishments … check for yourself. Brian Wofford has most importantly, in my mind, differentiated himself with his vision for the future of our detention center.
He will freely tell you of the failure of our justice system in the so-called “War on Drugs.” He will speak freely on issues related to rehab and not incarceration. And he will tell you what is most frightening, that jail has become nothing more than a school for becoming a better criminal … not a better member of the community.
Brian Wofford will make a positive impact on the criminal justice system locally. Republican or Democrat doesn’t matter. He’s the best candidate for the job and has my vote and respect.
Roger Hartner