News briefs, May 23
Published 7:48 am Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Main Street Live returns Thursday
Main Street Live returns to downtown Danville Thursday evening, May 24. From 6-9 p.m. in Weisiger Park, local musical artist Mike Archer will be featured. For each event, the Heart of Danville partners with a local non-profit to raise awareness and donations for worthy causes.
The Heart’s May partnership is Wilderness Trace Development Center, who will be onsite Thursday relaying information and collection donations. Vendors will be The Hub and Southern Style Kettle Corn.
Overdose training provided on June 14
A free overdose training will be provided from 5-7 p.m. June 14 at the Boyle County Public Library. The first 30 families will receive free Narcan kits (one per family) provided by the Boyle County Agency for Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) through the Kentucky ASAP Harm Reduction Grant.
Prescriptions by Voices of Hope for the kits will be available for others with insurance coverage.
Anyone with questions can contact Probation and Parole by calling (859) 239-7614 or (270) 465-5451.
Danville Boyle County Convention and Visitors Bureau — 9 a.m. Wednesday, May 23 at the McKinney Conference Center Items on the agenda include: chairman’s report; and executive director’s report, first reading 2018-2019 presentation, no action needed.
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 10 a.m. Thursday, May 24 in room 106 at the courthouse. Items on the agenda include: consider part-time position at Gose Pike Convenience Center; consider earthquake insurance; criminal justice coordinating council update; joint jail update and Kellwell agreement; consider picnic tables at Millennium Park; consider tractor and mower bids; permission to pay upon completion of McDermott Street bridge; salt bid update; consider GABBF picnic funding; first reading of the budget; flowers for Constitution Square.
The Garden Club of Danville — 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 6, at the Boyle County Extension Office, 99 Corporate Drive.
The program will be “Summer Table Arrangements.” Club members will share ideas for festive centerpieces for summer picnics and other events.
Visitors and prospective members are always welcome. For more information about the club and its activities, see
Danville resident Margaret Calhoun was incorrectly identified in Tuesday’s front page story about the dedication of the Michael M. Smith Memorial Park sign. Calhoun had made suggestions of adjustments needed to the sign, which the Danville City Commission agreed to do.