Boyle County library prepares to swing
Published 6:24 am Saturday, May 26, 2018
- Dance instructor Wes Bratcher takes a quick walk-through to check out everyone's moves prior to cuing the band to start. Bratcher will again offer a free mini-lesson just before the dance commences to get crowds into the swing of things.
Great American Swing Dance returns to Library Park Thursday
The Boyle County Public Library offers many fun, educational events throughout the year. Weekly programs include Adult Storytime 9 a.m. Mondays Crafters Who Care 6 p.m. Mondays and Storytimes on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please note the library will be closed on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
In addition to these weekly events, the following library-sponsored programs are scheduled for this week:
• Great American Swing Dance: 7:30-9 p.m. Thursday at Library Park. As part of the Great American Brass Band Festival, the Boyle County Public Library and the Friends of the Library will host the Great American Swing Dance on Thursday. This is the fourth year the swing dance has been a part of the brass band festival. The dance provides an evening of great music and fun, and is always well attended even when the weather doesn’t cooperate — as was the case two years ago when the skies unexpectedly opened up and everything was quickly moved inside.)

The crowd participates in last year’s Great American Swing Dance at Library Park.
The event will feature a swing dance lesson given by Wes Bratcher from 7:30-8 p.m., followed by a swing dance from 8-9 p.m. Music for the dance will be provided by The Walnut Street Ramblers.
Guests are encouraged to bring a lawn chair and their dancing shoes. The swing dance lesson, dance, and concert are free and open to the public. (In the event of rain, the lesson and swing dance being held in the Library Lobby.)
For more information, call the library at (859) 238-7323 or visit, or stop by to inquire about the Library’s children’s, ‘tween and teen activities, and adult programs offered throughout the month. Some activities require registration for participation.