Boyle County Fair goat show results 2018
Published 6:40 am Friday, June 15, 2018
The Boyle County Fair goat show was held Wednesday, June 13.
Novice (under age 9): Grant Holman and Cheyenne Phillips both were winners and received ribbons.
Junior (ages 9-13): Avery Holman, grand champion; Anna Stoltman, reserve champion.
Senior (ages 14-21): Josh Cornett, grand champion; Taylor Graves, reserve champion.
Wether market classes
Novice: Grant Holman, grand champion; Cheyenne Phillips, reserve champion.
Class 1 (34-42 pounds): Izzy Taylor, first; Tyler Day, second; Sarah Crouse, third; Savannah Setzer, fourth and sixth; Montana Phillips, fifth; Maggie Wilhoite, seventh.
Class 2 (46-49 pounds): Izzy Taylor, first and third; Riley Crouse, second; Montana Phillips, fourth; Maggie Wilhoite, fifth.
Class 3 (55-60 pounds): Breanna Downs, first; Maggie Wilhoite, second; Avery Holman, third; Lauren Dixon, fourth; Taylor Graves, fifth.
Class 4 (76-85 pounds): Taylor Graves, first; Breanna Downs, second; Avery Holman, third.
Overall: Breanna Downs, grand champion; Taylor Graves, reserve champion.
Boyle County market goat: Taylor Graves, grand champion; Avery Holman, reserve champion.
Wether dam show
Class 1 (32-38 pounds): Tyler Day, first; Izzy Taylor, second; Savannah Setzer, third.
Class 2 (43-49 pounds): Izzy Taylor, first and fifth; Sarah Grace Crouse, second; Avery Holman, third; Riley Crouse, fourth.
Class 3 (55-74 pounds): Maggie Wilhoite, first; Lauren Dixon, second.
Class 4 (144-148 pounds): Maggie Wilhoite, first and second.
Overall: Maggie Wilhoite, grand champion and reserve champion.
Dairy goat show
Class 1 (0-3 months): Josh Cornett, first; Makayla Cornett, second; Anna Stoltman, third.
Class 2 (3-6 months): Josh Cornett, first; Makayla Cornett, second; Anna Stoltman, third.
Class 3 (9-12 months): Anna Stoltman, first; Jacob Graves, second.
Class 4 (12-24 months not in milk): Anna Stoltman, first and fifth; Makayla Cornett, second; Jacob Graves, third and seventh; Josh Cornett, fourth; Gage Ross, sixth; Hunter Ross, eighth and ninth.
Class 5 (12-24 months in milk): Jacob Graves, first and second.
Class 6 (2-3 years): Josh Cornett, first; Anna Stoltman, second and fourth; Makayla Cornett, third; Hunter Ross, fifth and seventh; Jacob Graves, sixth.
Class 7 (3-5 years): Anna Stoltman, first and third; Jacob Graves, second.
Class 8 (over 5 years): Josh Cornett, first; Jacob Graves, second; Anna Stoltman, third and fourth.
Junior doe: Anna Stoltman, grand champion and reserve champion.
Senior doe: Anna Stoltman, grand champion; Josh Cornett, reserve champion.
Best of Show Champion: Anna Stoltman