Boyle County Fair swine show results 2018
Published 6:37 am Friday, June 15, 2018
The Boyle County Fair swine show was held on Saturday, June 9.
Novice (children under age 9 as of Jan. 1): All of these participants were winners and received ribbons and animal brushes — Ashlyn Ison, Tanner Ison, Jacob Kernodle, Malley Sipes, Holland Hobbs, Colton Fitzpatrick, Nolan Hobbs, Lane Stallard, Presley Truax and Hayden Atcher.
Junior (ages 9-13): Will Sipes, grand champion; Cameron Caskey, reserve champion.
Senior (ages 14- 21): Courtney Jeffers, grand champion; Dylan Shaw, reserve champion.
Novice weight class: All participants received ribbons — Zay Stallard, Ashlynn Ison, Hayden Atcher, Jacob Kernodle, Grant Holman, Colton Fitzpatrick, Malley Sipes, Tanner Ison, Presley Truax and Holland Hobbs.
Crossbred Market
Class 1 (94 to 105 pounds): Chase Flach, first; Dylan Shaw, second; Dylan Gilbert, third; Alexis Jones, fourth; Andrew Rutledge, fifth.
Class 2 (113-117 pounds): Zane Ison, first; Will Sipes, second.
Class 3 (122-128 pounds): Corbin Coyle, first; Julia Weaber, second; Ethan Ellis, third; Cody Glasscock, fourth; Aubrey Jones, fifth; Wyatt Stumph, sixth; Andrew Rutledge, seventh.
Class 4 (131-139 pounds): Cameron Caskey, first; Zane Ison, second; Ethan Thompson, third; Cameron Caskey, fourth; Wyatt Stumph, fifth; Cort Flach, sixth; Aubrey Jones, seventh; Bryce Flach, eighth.
Class 5 (140-147 pounds): Blake Arnold, first; Ashley Risner, second; Caleb Kernodle, third; Alexis Jones, fourth; Eli Cotton, fifth; Ashley Risner, sixth.
Class 6 (150-158 pounds): Cameron Caskey, first; Emily Truax, second; Will Sipes, third; Wade Stumph, fourth; Charity Browning, fifth; Will Sipes, sixth; Caleb Kernodle, seventh.
Class 7 (160-165 pounds): Samuel Wade, first; Ryann Truax, second; Desmond Stubbs, third; Charity Browning, fourth.
Class 8 (172-183 pounds): Will Sipes, first; Courtney Jeffers, second; Charity Browning, third; Noah Frank, fourth.
Purebred market
Berkshire: Ethan Thompson, grand champion; Casey Montgomery, reserve champion.
Chester: Ethan Ellis, grand champion; Dylan Shaw, reserve champion.
Duroc: Ryan Truax, grand champion; Dylan Shaw, reserve champion.
Hampshire: Noah Frank, grand champion; Alexis Jones, reserve champion.
Landrace: Aubrey Jones, grand champion and reserve champion.
Spotted: Noah Frank, grand champion; Desmond Stubbs, reserve champion.
Yorkshire: Courtney Jeffers, grand champion; Dylan Shaw, reserve champion.
Other Breeds: Evan Cotton, grand champion; Zane Ison, reserve champion.
Overall Market: Blake Arnold, grand champion; Cameron Caskey, reserve champion.
Breeding Gilt Classes
Berkshire: Bryce Flach, first and third; Casey Montgomery, second.
Duroc: Jenna Thompson, first; Courtney Jeffers, second.
Hampshire: Alexis Jones, first; Bryce Flach, second.
Landrace: Aubrey Jones, first.
Other: Zane Ison, first.
Spotted: Desmond Stubbs, first.
Yorkshire (January): Julia Weaber, first; Ethan Thompson, second; Noah Frank, third.
Yorkshire (February): Avery Holman, first; Julia Weaber, second; Evan Cotton, third.
Crossbred (January): Corbin Coyle, first; Courtney Jeffers, second; Dylan Shaw, third; Ashley Risner, fourth.
Crossbred (February): Andrew Rutlege, first.
Overall Breeding Gilt: Avery Holman, grand champion; Jenna Thompson, reserve champion.
Other results
Youth show winners: Ethan Ellis, first; Cody Glasscock, second
Jackpot winners: Hayden Atcher, novice; Black Arnold, market; Jenna Thompson, breeding.