Children’s church song has better theology than U.S. attorney general
Published 6:09 am Thursday, June 21, 2018
Dear Editor,
When I was an elementary student in Gulfport, Mississippi, in the 1940’s, I was a member of the Sunbeams, a youth group at the conservative First Baptist Church, the church often shown on TV during the coverage of Hurricane Katrina.
Despite racial segregation of the schools and in public accommodations in those days, the Sunbeams were taught a song, which we joyfully sang at every meeting. It goes like this:
“Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and Yellow, Black and White,
They are precious in his sight.
Jesus loves the little children of
The world.”
Following Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s misuse of a passage from St. Paul in order to try to justify separating Mexican children from their parents, I realized the theological superiority of the Sunbeam song.
Probably, “theologian” Sessions would try to hide behind the fact that “Brown” is not included in the song.
Milton Scarborough