Boyle County Fair Beef Show results
Published 6:08 am Tuesday, July 10, 2018
June 15, 2018
Novice with an Adult
Quentin Ethington, Jacob Kernodle, Seth Chunglo and Luke Grisso all were winners.
First place, Makayla Massey; second place, Anna Weaber; third place, Madeline Ethington; fourth place, Joshua Kernodle, fifth place, Emma Mudd; sixth place, Luke Kernodle; seventh
Place, Emily Chunglo; eighth place, Nate Riley; ninth place, Jordan Hall
First place, Julia Weaber; second place, Jonah West; third place, Shayla Clark; fourth place,
Emily Reynolds; fifth place, Chassity Warner; sixth place, Zach Imbruglio; seventh place,
Hannah Keith; eighth place, Caleb Kernodle
Steer show
First place and Grand Champion Steer: Makayla Massey
First place and Reserve Champion Steer: Isaac Montgomery
Junior Heifer Calf — first place, Shayla Clark
Senior Heifer Calf — first place, Seth Chunglo; second place, Emily Chunglo; third place,
Shayla Clark
Senior Yearling Heifer – first place: Shayla Clark
Angus Heifer Champion: Seth Chunglo and Angus Heifer
Reserve Champion: Shayla Clark
Red Angus
Junior Heifer Calf – first place, Blain Flach
Winter Heifer Calf — first place, Blain Flach
Senior Heifer Calf – first place, Madeline Ethington
Summer Yearling Heifer – first place, Quentin Ethington
Junior Yearling Heifer – first place, Madeline Ethington; second place, Randa Morris; third and fourth place, Charlie Wilson
Senior Yearling Heifer – first place, Blain Flach; second place, Charlie Wilson
Red Angus Heifer Champion: Quentin Ethington
Red Angus Heifer Reserve Champion: Blain Flach
All Other Breeds
Junior Heifer Calf – first place, Nate Riley
Winter Heifer Calf – first place, Spring Valley Farm
Senior Heifer Calf – first place, Destiny Adams
Summer Yearling Heifer – first place, Julia Weaber; second place, Randa Morris
Junior Yearling Heifer – first place, Destiny Adams; second place, Charlie Wilson;
third place, Randa Morris
Senior Yearling Heifer – first place, Destiny Adams
Other Breeds Champion: Julia Weaber
Other Breeds Reserve Champion: Destiny Adams
Junior Heifer Calf – first and second place, Thad Hulett
Summer Yearling Heifer – first place, Thad Hulett
Junior Yearling Heifer – first place, Jonah West; second, third, and fourth places, Thad Hulett
Senor Yearling Heifer – first place, Thad Hulett
Cow/Calf – first place, Jonah West; second place, Thad Hulett
Charolais Heifer Champion: Thad Hulett
Charolais Heifer Reserve Champion: Jonah West
Summer Yearling Heifer – first place, Charlie Wilson; second place, Emily Reynolds
Junior Yearling Heifer – first place, Spring Valley Farm
Senior Yearling Heifer – first and second place, Emily Reynolds
Gelbvieh Heifer Champion: Spring Valley Farm
Gelbvieh Heifer Reserve Champion: Emily Reynolds
Senior Heifer Calf – first place, Caleb Kernodle; second place, Kenny Smith; third and sixth places, Jordan Hall; fourth and fifth places, Chassity Warner
Summer Yearling Heifer – first place, Caleb Kernodle; second place, Chassity Warner; third place, Jordan Hall; fourth place, Hannah Keith
Junior Yearling Heifer – first place, Gordon Cattle Company; second place, Caleb Kernodle; third place, Chassity Warner
Senior Yearling Heifer – first place, Kenny Smith; second and third places, Jordan Hall
Hereford Heifer Champion: Caleb Kernodle
Senior Heifer Calf – first place, Makayla Massey
Senior Yearling Heifer – first place, Randa Morris
Limousin Heifer Champion: Makayla Massey
Limousin Heifer Reserve Champion: Randa Morris
Boyle County Champion and Reserve Champion: Caleb Kernodle
Supreme Champion Heifer: Julia Weaber
Angus Senior Bull Calf – first place and Champion, Shayla Clark
All Other Breeds Junior Bull Calf – first place and Champion, Randa Morris
Hereford Senior Bull Calf – first place, Gordon Cattle Company; second place, Kenny Smith
Hereford Summer Yearling Bull – first place, Kenny Smith; second place, Chassity Warner
Grand Champion Hereford Bull: Gordon Cattle Company
Reserve Champion Hereford Bull: Kenny Smith
Charolais Junior Yearling Bull – first place, Jonah West; second place, Thad Hulett
Charolais Two Year Old Bull – first place, Thad Hulett
Grand Champion Charolais Bull: Thad Hulett
Reserve Champion Charolais Bull: Jonah West
Limousin Summer Yearling Bull – first place and Champion, Anna Weaber
Supreme Champion Bull: Gordon Cattle Company.