Weekender, July 12
Published 6:28 am Thursday, July 12, 2018
Events for this column must be submitted to the Advocate by *NOON MONDAY* to be in the Thursday newspaper. Send events (must include complete information: hours, admission price, contact for info, etc.) to bit.ly/amevents. Events may also be emailed to bcurd@amnews.com.
Royal Blue Entertainment, 5-7 p.m. Friday at Beaumont Inn, 638 Beaumont Inn Drive in Harrodsburg. Free and open to the public. Beer, wine and other beverages will be available for purchase. Attendees should bring a lawn chair or blanket. In the case of rain, the event will be held inside of Old Owl Tavern.
Great Day — A Musical Calendar, a free concert by Summer Singers, 7:30 p.m. July 31 at the Presbyterian Church of Danville, corner of Main and Fifth streets. Celebrating eight special days, including Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day, among others, the concert will feature music in a wide variety of styles, from Renaissance to jazz.
Blue Groove Jazz, 7 p.m. July Friday at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy music by a central Kentucky classic jazz ensemble. Concert will be in Library Park.
Perryville Jamboree, 5:30-10 p.m. Saturdays at 103 N. Bragg St. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and is served until 7 p.m. Entertainment by Kentucky South with guest performers. Cover is $10. To keep up with guest artists and other events, like Perryville Jamboree on Facebook. Info: (859) 583-9780.
Karaoke, 7:30 p.m.-midnight Friday at Garden Club, Junction City. Cover is $10. Info: (859) 583-1100.
Fired Up, 8 p.m.-midnight Friday and Saturday at Mae Johnson’s White Barn, Waynesburg. Cost is $5. Pool room opens at 7 p.m. Information: (606) 365-3417. Every Saturday, a door prize will be awarded for tickets drawn for a $100 prize.
Fredia’s Country Music, 7:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 4221 Dry Ridge Road, Liberty. Cost is $6 at the dorr. A new band plays every weekend, family-friendly environment. Info: (606) 706-8596
One More Shot Band, 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Delmar’s Garden Club, 240 Short Acres Road, Junction City; cost is $5. A benefit potluck dinner for Ayden Hardin will be 5 p.m. — participants are asked to bring a covered dish. All proceeds go to 5-year-old Ayden’s heart surgery.
Pickers and grinners open jam session, 10:15 a.m.-noon Saturdays at Kentucky Fudge Company, 225 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Bring instrument and sing along with us. For more information, call Tim at (859) 733-0088.
Open mic night, last Saturday of each month at Kentucky Fudge Company, Harrodsburg. Kids begin at 6:30 p.m., adults start at 8 p.m. For more information, call Tim at (859) 733-0088.
Acoustic jam/amplified jam, 7-9:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays every month. Jam sessions are being held at the Masonic Lodge at North Fourth and Smith streets. For more information, call John Hughes at (859) 583-4112.
Granted, through July 21 at Pioneer Playhouse, 840 Stanford Road, Danville. Adapted from the novel by Angela Correll, the highly anticipated final installment in the hugely popular, heartwarming trilogy that began with Grounded. Annie is finally embracing her country roots and racing toward a future with Jake, but wedding plans are complicated by the arrival of her ne’er-do-well father. Meanwhile, Beulah’s friendship with Betty is tested as the women “duke it out” over who’s in charge of the church’s annual potluck dinner. Let the “potluck wars” begin. A Kentucky Voices world premiere, Rated G. Tickets: pioneerplayhouse.com, (859) 236-2747.
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown, Friday-Sunday at West T. Hill Community Theater (WTH), 117 Larrimore Lane, Danville. The iconic comic strip featuring the Peanuts Gang comes alive on stage with heart-warming moments, hilarious stories and beautiful songs. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 3 p.m. Sundays. Tickets: westthill.net, (859) 319-0205.
SHAM-ROCK & ROLL, 7:30 p.m. July 15 at WTH, Danville. The Shamrock III showcase will be an evening of entertainment highlighting the theater’s Irish guest and the leaders of WTH’s summer camp. Cost is $10 at the door, until seats are sold out.
A Red Plaid Shirt, auditions held 2:30 p.m. Sunday and 6:30 p.m. Monday at West’s Wing, 137 N. Third St., Danville. By Canadian playwright Michael G. Wilmot, West T. Hill will put on this new comedy with great dialogue for four experienced older actors — two men and two women. They play explores retirement, love, marriage and relationship. A laugh-outloud but poignant character study of aging gracefully. Production dates are Sept. 14-16 and 21-23. Directed by Steve Sleeper. Info: ssleeper@emhealth.org.
Mahan Gallery Art Exhibit: The Art of Jeanne Penn Lane, through Monday at BCPL, Danville. An exhibit reception will be held on 5 p.m. A Mahan Gallery art exhibit featuring works of a variety of media created by the late Lane, including an example of a plaster technique developed by the artist in 1972. Monday. Info: (859) 238-7323
Second Look Quilt Challenge, through July 28 at Community Arts Center (CAC), 401 W. Main St. This exhibit is all about the can-do spirit of upcycling, reuse, and creativity. All the quilts in the show feature at least 75-percent recycled/repurposed materials. Info: communityartscenter.net, (859) 236-4054
Eternal Quest Art Gallery, open noon-6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday at 1000 East Lexington Ave., Suite 19, Danville. Sidewalk on the left side of Greenleaf Shopping Center, at the last door. Original art and prints exhibited by J. Robert Gundy, Jr. Info: (859) 230-1296
Keep Your Clothes on!, July 20-Sept. 8 at New Editions Gallery, 500 W. Short St., Lexington. Admission is free. No nudes allowed in this figurative show featuring Gayle Cerlan, Roy Ruiz Clayton, Marcia Cone, Larry Forgard, Carlos Gamez de Francisco, Angie Reed Garner, Joyce Garner, Melissa Hall, Rodney Hatfield, Georgia Henkel, John Lackey, Bob Lockhart, Lora Murphy, Helene Steene, Sharon Weiss, and Deborah Westerfield. Regular hours are 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday; and 5-8 p.m. July 20 for Gallery Hop. Info: neweditionsgallery.com.
Shamrock III meet and greet, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday at CAC, Danville. One-hundred and twenty campers are registered so far this year for the Shamrock acting camp through West T. Hill Community Theatre, and this will be a meet-and-greet event featuring the Irish camp instructors from Carrickfergus, Danville’s sister city.
Summer Sizzle Karaoke contest, 7 p.m. Saturdays through Sept. 8 at Leo’s Restaurant, 237 Lexington Road in Lancaster. Held as a fundraiser for the Garrard Community Art Center’s new building. Entry fee is $20 for first try, and $10 for each additional song. Each weekend, three contestants will pass on to the finals in September. Cash and prizes will be presented on finals night. Info: BG Lewis, (859) 948-6988, or email contact@garrardarts.com.
JB’s Cocktail Society, 5 p.m. Thursdays at Jane Barleycorn Market & Bar, 128 S. 4th St., Danville. Come taste a unique cocktail each Thursday. Info: www.janebarleycorn.com
Musical Movie Night, 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday, July 12) at BCPL, Danville. Watch a popular musical movie while snacking on popcorn. This 2008 romantic comedy that tells the story of a bride-to-be who is trying to discover who her father is, told using songs by the 1970s group ABBA. (Rated PG-13; 108 minutes) Info: (859) 238-7323
Dance Class, 4 p.m. Thursdays at BCPL, Danville. Come learn beginning ballet with instructor Michaela Stone. (Ages 9-18) Info: (859) 238-7323
Ukulele for U, 6:30 p.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville Learn the basics of playing ukulele this summer. Bring your own ukulele or use one of ours, while supplies last. *Registration is required. (Ages 13 and up) Info: (859) 238-7323
Kid’s Yoga, 11 a.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. Promote health and relaxation at this seven-week program designed especially for younger children. This program will be led by Lindley Zanolli. *Registration is required. (For preschool-aged children) Info: (859) 238-7323
Yoga for senior citizens, 10 a.m. Thursdays at A Gathering Place — Danville-Boyle County Senior Citizens, Inc., 569 Jean Drive. Led by Beverly Cochran, volunteer instructor. Open to all senior citizens in the area. Info: (859) 236-2070
Adulting 101: Basic How-To’s for Ages 16-25, 6 p.m. Tuesdays, July 10-31 at LCPL, Stanford. Learn how to do basic adulting tasks. Space is limited, call to register. Info: (606) 365-7513
Body Recall, 9-9:45 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at First Christian Church Disciple of Christ, 555 E. Lexington Ave., Danville. Classes help regain strength, mobility and flexibility, aid in everyday living. Fee is $6 a week. Info: Carolyn Walter, (859) 548-8203, 236-4006.
Adult Martial Arts, with Mike Stanfill 6-7 p.m. Thursdays at GEC, Lancaster. A 6-week session, $55 per person. Info: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us
Beginner/Intermediate guitar, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at GEC, Lancaster. Instructed by Ron Scott. Instructional handouts will be provided, students required to bring own guitars. Class is open to children and adults. Cost is $65. Info: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us
Kid’s Martial Arts, 5 p.m. Thursdays at GEC, Lancaster. For children ages 5-12, instructed by Jonathan Turner. Classes last for 6-weeks. Info: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us
Beginning knitting/crochet groups, Mondays at Garrard County Extension Office (GCEO), 1302 Stanford Road, Lancaster. Beginning knitting will be 10 a.m., crochet at 2 p.m. Beginners or those who want to brush up on their skills may join. Information: (859) 792-3026
Painting, noon-4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at GCAC, Lancaster. Cost is $30 per class, includes all materials. Private classes and painting parties available. Instructed by Bobbie Gayle Lewis. Info: (859) 948-6988
The Paint Bar, 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at Arts Council of Mercer County Studio & Gallery (ACMC), 120 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Engaging series catered to anyone interested in creating art. Cost: $28 per class. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Open studio, 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday at ACMC, Harrodsburg. The gallery’s newest series. Bring a photo or an idea you would like to paint and an art professional will help you create your masterpiece. Cost: $20, supplies included. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Opening Act Studio, at Hometown Kids, 440 W. 4th St., Perryville. Classes taught by Emma Steberl, a Perryville resident with 15 years of theater and performance experience who has trained with top industry professionals in New York City. Limited scholarships will be available. Info: Emma Steberl, (859) 319-6821, or like Opening Act on Facebook
Little Paws Piano and Music Studio, 475 West Main St., Danville. Kindermusik Classes offered for ages 0-5 years, $60 per month includes album of music for each unit (five different units for different age groups, call for unit and schedule); private piano instruction, $20/lesson; group piano, $15/class; guitar by instructor Jeff Hogue, $75/month; percussion by instructor Lucas Hunt, $20/lesson; voice by instructors Grace Sheene and Collette Jones, $20/lesson; trumpet by instructor Michael May, $20/lesson. Info: (859) 319-1066
Creative Kids Series, 10 a.m.-noon last Saturday of each month at ACMC, Harrodsburg. A way for kids of all ages to experience creating art. Cost is $10/class. Info: (859) 613-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Painting parties, through GCAC, Lancaster. Reserve a date for a group to have a fun night out creating a painting. Participants will go home with a 16×20 painting. Instructor will travel to a location or may be hosted at our Arts Center. All materials included. Info: (859) 948-6988
Violin, piano, ukulele and voice instruction by Amanda Sivers. Info: (859) 319-3806, amandasivers.com
Piano and voice instruction, en Inglés o Español by Richard Ferreira, Danville. Info: (859) 329-7814
Violin instruction by Phil DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (859) 509-4293
Voice instruction by Shauntina Phillips, at CAC, Danville. Info: shauniphillips@gmail.com, (859) 209-1265
Piano instruction by Mary DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (502) 625-6430
Guitar instruction by Jeff Cain, at CAC, Danville. Info: jcain807@hotmail.com, (606) 669-3040
Kid’s Summer Science Club (5/6), 10:30 a.m. Thursdays at BCPL, Danville. Explore STEM through fun science experiments. For ages 5 & 6. Registration is required. Info: (859) 238-7323
Kid’s Summer Science Club (7/8), 11:30 a.m. Thursdays at BCPL, Danville. Explore STEM through fun science experiments. For ages 7 & 8. Registration is required. Info: (859) 238-7323
Crafters Who Care, 6 p.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. Group knits/crochets hats, scarves and afghans to share with those in need — some also work3 on looms. Those who would like to learn are welcome; donations of yarn gladly accepted. Participation is free/no registration required. Info: (859) 238-7323
Third Thursday Afternoon Book Discussion, 4 p.m. July 19 at BCPL, Danville. This month we’ll be discussing “Go Set a Watchman” by Harper Lee. Books are available at the circulation desk. Info: (859) 238-7323
Minecraft Club, 6 p.m. Tuesday at LCPL, Stanford. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513
Lego Club, second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Lincoln County Public Library (LCPL), 201 Lancaster St., Stanford, Stanford. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513
Art Club, noon-3 p.m. last Tuesday of every month at GCAC, Lancaster. Open to everyone in all mediums. Come have fun and work on your own project while being inspired with fellow artists; bring a snack to share. Free. Info: www.garrardarts.com, (859) 948-6988
Mystery Book Club, 1 p.m. second Wednesday of each month at GCPL, 101 Lexington St., Lancaster. Stop by the library to pick book up at circulation desk. Info: (859) 792-3424
Happy Scrappers Scrapbook Club, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. third Saturday of the month in Community Room 2 at LCPL, Stanford. New participants are welcome. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513
Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club, 7:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of every month at American Legion Post 46, 45 Spears Lane, Danville. Info: wrarc.com
Coloring & Conversation, 6 p.m. tonight (Thursday, July 12) at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the Library’s coloring club for adults. This monthly program is offered in partnership with the Boyle County Extension Office. Info: (859) 238-7323
Memory Lab Craft: Upcycle Your Photographic Slides, 2 p.m. Saturday at BCPL, Danville. Bring your old slides in for sorting. Keep what you want and upcycle the rest into a something new. Info: (859) 238-7323
Tween Craft: DIY Guitars, 2 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. Build and decorate your own guitar out of recycled materials. (Ages 9-13) Info: (859) 238-7323
Adult Storytime, 9 a.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. A social hour and book club for individuals with and without disabilities to utilize the library and pursue common interests together, held in Community Room. Info: (859) 238-7323
Baby Lapsit, 10:30 a.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. Join us for stories, songs, and nursery rhymes. This program is for infants up to 12-months and their caregivers, held in Children’s Library. Registration is required. Info: (859) 238-7323
Teen Gaming, 4 p.m. Tuesday at BCPL, Danville. Play video games and watch movies at this casual event for teens. Snacks will be served. For ages 13-18. Info: (859) 238-7323
Jazz Scat Singing with Lydia Ellis, 4 p.m. Wednesday at BCPL, Danville. Come find out how jazz “scat singing” began and how you can scat, too. (All ages) Info: (859) 238-7323
Third Thursday Morning Book Discussion, 10 a.m. July 19 at BCPL, Danville. This month we’ll be discussing “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time” by Mark Haddon. Books are available at the circulation desk. Info: (859) 238-7323
Lafferty Pike Band: Musical Petting Zoo, 10:30 a.m. July 19 at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy an upbeat performance of Bluegrass songs. Learn about the different instruments, then children in the audience can try out student-sized instruments. This is a free, ticketed event. Tickets will be given out 30-minutes prior to the start of the show. (BCPL Community Room) Info: (859) 238-7323
Tween STEAM: Heat Sensitive Slime, 4 p.m. July 19 at BCPL, Danville. Make slime with a special ingredient and watch it change colors as it responds to the heat from your hands. (Ages 9-13) Info: (859) 238-7323
ASL Conversation Group, 6 p.m. July 19 at BCPL, Danville. Practice using American Sign Language in casual conversation at this “Community Requested-Community Led” group. All levels are welcome. Info: (859) 238-7323
Let it Go Musical Movie Sing Along, 2 p.m. July 20 at BCPL, Danville. Watch and sing along with this beloved animated movie about two sisters trying to break the icy spell that keeps their kingdom trapped in winter. Info: (859) 238-7323
Reptiles and Amphibians Program, 11 a.m. July 19 at LCPL, Stanford. Learn about some amazing reptiles and amphibians that live in Kentucky. This is a family-friendly program and is free and open to the public. Program presented by Inter-County Energy Cooperative. Info: (606) 365-7513
Tuesday night programs, 6 p.m. Tuesdays through July 31 at LCPL, Stanford. Every Tuesday, kids of all ages can enjoy a special program at the library. July 17, Minecraft Club; July 24, LEGO Club; July 31, Intro to Coding. Young children must be accompanied by an adult. Info: (606) 365-7513
Tween & Teen Painting Night, 5:30 p.m. July 19 at LCPL, Stanford. Grades 6-12 may join for a night of painting a ballet dancer silhouette. Space is limited, registration is required. Info: (606) 365-7513
Birds of Prey, noon July 21 at LCPL, Stanford. Join as the Liberty Nature Center tells about their birds of prey; participants will get to meet and learn about some of their awesome raptors. Info: (606) 365-7513
Zentangle and adult coloring, 10 a.m.-noon and 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday of the month at LCPL, Stanford. Create new Zentangle projects or relax with adult coloring. Registration required. Info: (606) 365-7513
Ceramic Creations by Jaque, 535 S. Fourth St., Danville. A paint-your-own pottery studio, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. Cost is $10 and up. Info: (859) 236-7288
McDowell House Museum and Apothecary Shop, 125 S. Second St., Danville. A National Historic Landmark offering tours through Dr. Ephraim McDowell’s home. Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 2-4 p.m. Sunday. The Gift Shop at Constitution Square, 134 S. Second St., Danville, sells Kentucky-made items. Info: (859) 236-2804 for museum; 236-2803 for gift shop.
Paint Your Own Pottery Studio, inside of CAC, Danville. Private rentals begin at $40, plus the cost of bisque for a two-hour event. Info: (859) 236-4054, communityartscenter.net
The Great American Dollhouse Museum, 344 Swope Dr., Danville. Hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Cost is $7/adults, $5/children 2-12. Info: (859) 583-8000, thedollhousemuseum.com.
Boyle County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler (18 months-2 years) at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Preschool (ages 3-5) at 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Info: (859) 238-7323
Garrard County Public Library Storytimes: 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 1 p.m. Thursdays. No storytime if special programs held at same time. Info: (859) 792-3424
Lincoln County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler Tales, 10 a.m. Thursdays; Preschool, 11 a.m. Thursdays. Info: lcplinfo.org., (606) 365-7513. The library also offers six other storytimes weekly, as well as monthly Science Time for preschoolers: 10 a.m. Mondays at McKinney Baptist Church; 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Pleasant View Baptist Church; 10 a.m. Wednesdays at Crab Orchard City Hall; 10 a.m. Thursdays at Westside Community United Methodist Church. Info: (606) 365-7513