Danville creates new position after reversing demotion
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, August 1, 2018
- File photo Ben Kleppinger/ben.kleppinger@amnews.com Parties wait for a demotion hearing to begin in the Danville High School library Monday morning. From left are Ed McKinney and his attorneys, Matthew Walter and Ephraim Helton; and former Danville Superintendent Keith Look and Chris Tucker, a school board attorney.
Danville’s Board of Education has approved creating an additional district administrator position for one year, following its decision to overturn the demotion of former Director of Pupil Personnel Ed McKinney.
Superintendent Tammy Shelton asked the board to create the new position of “Director of School Services” during a special called meeting Monday evening.
“It’s reorganizing the central office based on last week’s meeting,” Shelton said, referring to last Wednesday’s meeting, when the board voted to overturn former Superintendent Keith Look’s demotion of McKinney.
The demotion occurred on May 8, according to McKinney’s attorney Matthew Walter and confirmed through an open records request made by The Advocate-Messenger. Look also reorganized the central office positions after the demotion, meaning McKinney’s old position no longer exists. Instead, Ron Ballard now holds the position of director of support services.
McKinney contested the demotion, which led to a four-hour confidential demotion hearing on July 23. Once the board voted to overturn, it was up to Shelton to come up with a new staffing plan that reincorporated McKinney.
“Funding-wise, this is a one-year situation,” Shelton said of the plan to add the director of school services position. “I think that there’s some things that I can do district-wide in restructuring that would save that cost starting next school year. I’m not seeing a good way to save that cost immediately, so I do think it would be a one-year cost.”
Shelton said the district has two open positions currently, as well, which will provide some savings compared to the budget until they are filled.
Shelton said the new position must be posted and the district will accept applications for it.
According to a job description for the new position, its duties are:
• “advance the vision, mission and goals of the Danville Schools in grades PreK-12;”
• “serve as district liaison for school safety projects as assigned and coordinated with the superintendent and community organizations;”
• “serve as district contact for family resource and youth services centers;”
• “facilitate all aspects of (site-based decision making councils) compliance and operation;” and
• “perform other related duties as assigned by the superintendent.”
The board also approved modifying the job description for Ballard’s position, director of support services.