This week at the Boyle County Public Library
Published 6:36 am Saturday, August 4, 2018
The Boyle County Public Library offers many fun, educational events throughout the year. Weekly programs include Adult Storytime on Mondays at 9:00 a.m., Crafters Who Care on Mondays at 6:00 p.m., and Storytimes on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings (resuming on August 14th). In addition to these weekly events, the following Library-sponsored programs are scheduled for this week:
• French Café: 5 p.m. Monday. People of all ages can gather together in a relaxed atmosphere to practice speaking French in casual conversation. This event is great for those who are fluent speakers as well as for those who are just learning the language. The French Café will be held in the Mahan Gallery.
• Memory Lab — What is Your Digital Afterlife? 6 p.m. Monday. People are constantly creating a “digital afterlife” online through email and social media. On Monday, the library will offer a Memory Lab program that covers what happens to your digital history when you’re no longer around. This event will help participants prepare their electronic estates as they learn what happens to their digital assets after death. They will also learn how to create and protect their digital legacy. Participants are welcome to bring electronic devices or examples of items they would like to save.
• Cat Care You Can Sink Your Claws Into: 10 a.m. Tuesday. Cathy Jerome will teach patrons of all ages how to care for a cat or kitten. Adoptable felines from Hal’s Haven and the Humane Society will be joining her for the visit. This event will be held in the Community Room.
• Coloring & Conversation: 6 p.m. Thursday. Many adults have rediscovered the joys of coloring as a way to relax and combat stress. The club, which is done in partnership with the Boyle County Cooperative Extension office, meets on the second Thursday of the month in the Mahan Gallery.
Call the Library at (859) 238-7323, visit the website at or stop by to inquire about the Library’s children’s, ‘tween and teen activities, and adult programs offered throughout the month. Some activities require registration for participation.