Danville Christian Academy holds professional development
Published 6:05 am Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Danville Christian Academy held professional development in the Boyle County Public Library meeting room Aug. 8-10. The meeting began with prayer. A motivational talk was given to kick off DCA’s 212 Degree campaign. Water boils at 212 degrees, which is one way water turns into a power source.
The DCA principal and teachers celebrated the extra effort going into the new 2018-19 high school class electives, new students and teachers, as well as the building of the new gymnasium. Teachers also participated in strategic planning by sharing ideas on how to work with the DCA mission and vision statements with goals to encompass DCA’s continuous improvement plan.
The Professional Development week also included how to teach students to have a growth mindset about learning. Teachers will be implementing lesson plans to help students grow based on previous testing scores that show individual areas of strength and weakness.