From our files, September 1-2
Published 6:14 am Saturday, September 1, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
H.P. Christy, operator for the Colonial Theatre in Danville, has made a decided hit with his song, “We’ll Can the Kaiser.” He composed the words some time ago and the music was composed by the famous Leo Friedman, composer of “Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland,” and other noted songs.
Mr. Sam Lyons, of the Danville Laundry and Dry Cleaning Company, and Messrs. Pushin Brothers, of the Hub Department Store, have received this striking appeal from Nathan Straus, the noted philanthropist of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania, and will accept voluntary contributions to the fund from anyone who wishes to give: Three million of our fellow Jews are dying of starvation in Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Palestine and Turkey … Whole families are existing on a bucket of soup every 24 hours, which they receive only after standing in line for half a day. Mothers hide the dead bodies of their children in order to retain their bread cards, while the rotting corpses spread pestilence … I beseech you to call a meeting of your fellow Jews and organize in your community a committee to raise all the funds possible for our afflicted people.
Miss Lula May Bruce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Bruce, will leave Danville tomorrow for Cape May, N.Y. to accept a position with Uncle Sam. The work will be what is called Reconstruction Aid, teaching the deaf that come out of this awful war how to read lips, thus fitting them for all kinds of work. Miss Bruce, in giving up her work here with the Kentucky School for the Deaf, shows true patriotism.
Ned Wiseman of Danville is showing his friends a very patriotic ear of corn grown in his garden. The ear is perfectly formed and has red, white and blue grains. Mr. Wiseman is so patriotic that the corn evidently caught the spirit and desired to show its true colors.
Valuable industrial property for sale, known as the Dillehay Brick Company on Russell and Dillehay streets in Danville. This is one of the most valuable business properties in central Kentucky. There is about 17 acres in the entire property and will be offered in three tracts. The property is also equipped with a brick making outfit consisting of a rack and pallet drying system, and three good kilns with a capacity of 1 million bricks.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
Plans are being laid for an enlargement of activities at the USO house on West Main Street, which has been operating for the past 14 months, announced chairman of the project, Walter Frankel, following a dance held at Danville High School that was attended by more than 175 people. Junior hostesses are needed to help entertain the visiting servicemen. They must be at least 18 years old and make application to Mrs. Herbert Price. The applications will be passed upon by a USO committee. Upon her acceptance, a junior hostess will be given a card admitting her to the USO house. About 1,000 men are stationed at Centre College with the 20th College Training Detachment and at Darnall General Hospital. Mr. Frankel estimated that an average of 650 servicemen have used the USO house within the past six months.
Boyle County is making intensive preparations to do its share in the upcoming Allied invasion of Italy and Europe through its participation in the gigantic Third War Loan. The local campaign will be opened with one of the largest and most inclusive parades ever staged in this vicinity. Starting at 1:30 Sept. 9, as the Third War Loan opens across the nation, a parade of marchers will pass a reviewing stand in front of the Boyle County Courthouse. Units that will be joining the parade include the aircrew students from the 20th College Training Detachment at Centre College; enlisted men from Darnell General Hospital; all Danville Boy Scout Troops; volunteer Nurses’ Aides Corps; representatives of the armed services including the Women’s Army Corps, the WAVE, and the SPAR. An airshow will be staged with 12 planes flying in formation over the line of the parade.
Mrs. O.L. Green of Junction City has been missing a number of her large frying chickens and some grown hens. When Mr. Green heard squawking in the woods near the barnyard, he saw a full grown mink killing a hen. The animal ran under a brush heap but the farmer’s big dog hunted it out and killed it. Too bad it wasn’t cold weather so the valuable hide could have been saved. Mr. Green is keeping a sharp eye out for the rest of the mink family.
Perryville Marshall Albert Crain was shot through the left side of his head and neck during an altercation with Stallard Webb. Onlookers said Webb had been riding a horse through the streets of Perryville shouting and shooting a .32 caliber pistol. When Crain drove up behind Webb and ordered him under arrest, Webb drew a bead on the official and fired. Stunned and blinded by the impact of the bullet, Crain fired four times but missed hitting Webb. Webb then wheeled his horse around and galloped away, and turned to fire another shot. Webb was finally caught and in court pleaded not guilty to charges of shooting with intent to kill; breach of the peace; and shooting a pistol on the highway. He was released on a $500 bond.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
Building permits issued in August in Boyle County include: Indian Hills Christian Church for a church building; Ashland Oil Co. in the Greenleaf Shopping Center for an addition; and Burger Queen Co. on West Main Street for a restaurant.
A total of 2,361 boys and girls were registered for the five Danville city schools. Number of students enrolled were: Danville High School, 708; Bate Junior High, 420; Jennie Rogers, 496; Edna Toliver, 428; Mary Hogsett, 309.
Peggy Noe, the teacher seen on Channel 62’s Romper Room program is a native of Danville. Her father is Troy Eslinger, president of Lee Junior College at Jackson. The show is unrehearsed and takes a group of children through two weeks of instruction and then graduates them to make room for other children.
“The Mystics” of Danville will be among the eight combos in the finals of the 1968 WHAS Crusade for Children Combo contest to be seen in color on Channel 11 tomorrow. Singers with the group are Michael Hughes of Bate Street, a 1968 graduate of Danville High School; Debbie Kay McCowan of North Street and a senior; Ben Kenley of South Second Street, a junior; Jimmy Simpson of Russell Street plays the organ; Tommy Coats of East Green Street is the drummer; and on guitars are Jimmy Jones of Russell Street and Charles Chenault of Fairview Road. The four instrumentalists are all juniors at DHS.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
A request by Danville and 14 other cities to refinance debts to a state pension was denied this week by a circuit court judge. The plan would have saved almost $6.5 million. However, Judge Stephen Shewmaker ruled the cities could refinance the debt if they eliminate all discretionary spending and raise property taxes to the maximum amount allowed by the Kentucky Constitution. A Kentucky league of Cities spokesperson called the two stipulations incredible hoops through which the cities almost certainly could not jump. John Bowling, president of the League of Cities and mayor of Danville, blamed an outdated constitution.
Police destroyed 882 marijuana plants on the east side of Casey County after patches had been under surveillance since May. No arrests were made. The plants found off Ky. 510 were cut and burned. The governor’s marijuana strike force has flown over southern Boyle County for the past two days and cut about 200 plants. Around the Hubble Road area in Lincoln County, officials have been hunting through corn fields for marijuana plants.