From our files, September 15
Published 6:54 am Saturday, September 15, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
The wife and daughter of Creed Arnold, of Perryville, narrowly escaped serious injury when one wheel ran off of their buggy as they were coming in Main Street. The horse was frightened and began running and kicking. Bert Coleman, who was passing in his automobile, saw and took in the situation and using his level head, he dashed after the frightened steed in his car, overtaking it and leaped out and caught the horse risking his life, but saving Mrs. Arnold and her daughter. Such men make our American Army what it is today.
Pryor Radford and Jesse Harris, who attend Centre College, spent their summer vacations in Philadelphia helping to build ships for Uncle Sam.
Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Blanford of Livingston, came down to Parksville last Sunday in their Buick Six. They came to see Rose Carpenter, a worthy woman who was formerly a servant of the family and is hopelessly ill.
The Rosel’s Shop For Women will have their fall opening of millinery tomorrow when everyone is most cordially invited to call and inspect the new fall styles. Mrs. Rosel has just received a large assortment of pretty designs in Gage, Fisk and other pattern hats and novelties. Rosel’s Shop For Women is located opposite the courthouse in Danville.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
It was not what the law ordered, but Chief Tom Clark of Danville furnished a police escort for a waiter from the City cafe. The young man went east on Main Street carrying a huge silver tray upon which rested two enormous country hams. Chief Clark, in regulation uniform and with military bearing ,followed precisely in his wake to give the effect of a bodyguard. The scene was apropos in these days of rationing.
War bond sales in Boyle County now total about $225,00 toward the goal of $793,125. While the local Third War Loan campaign is lagging, not all returns have been made. The house-to-house canvasses in Danville, Junction City, Perryville and Forkland are proceeding.
Rudolph Kratchwell, of Shelby City, charged with the murder of James Plummer was sentenced to a term of five years in prison. Plummer, a 36-year-old deaf mute of Junction City was found fatally injured on Hustonville Road, Shelby City in Feb. 1942.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
The newest church steeple to grace the Danville skyline is that of the Highland Court Christian Church. The new steeple was made by the men of the church, supervised by W.G. Bradshaw. A large crane lifted the steeple into position. According to the Rev. Adam Neikirk, minister of the church, men in the congregation built the church in 1955. It has lacked a steeple since then. The men also built the baptistry. The Highland Court church has a membership of about 125. The church was founded in Danville in 1930 by the late Rev. Hiram Arnold, using a house on Southern Avenue. After his death in 1934, the Rev. Ezra Sewell was the minister. The present minister has been serving the church since 1947.
The R.D. Crook farm, beyond the end of East Main Street has been purchased by Abe and Robert Gabbard doing business as the Gabbard Realty Co. The farm has about 200 acres and the buyers are planning to develop it. The Gabbards have already developed Hendren Heights and Cloverdale in Danville. Already it has the Boyle Aire Golf Course on it.
Parents of the students who scored especially well on tests given at Danville elementary schools last week will gather at Danville High School band room to select instruments for beginning band instructions, according to band director William Gravely. The tests were seeking to determine the student’s apptitude for music instruction. Last year’s beginning band students were holding concerts for parents and friends within three months after classes began.
Plans for organizing a Downtown Parking Foundation, modeled largely after the Danville Industrial Foundation, were discussed at a meeting of merchants at Town House Restaurant. The plan was formulated by the retail merchants’ committee of the Danville Chamber of Commerce and was presented to the group by George Grider of Grider Pharmacy. Once all shares of stock are sold at $500 for each share, the company would then purchase property for off-street parking sites. The sites could be operated by the company or could be leased to the city.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
The Presbyterian Church of Danville is planning to relocate about 50 graves in McDowell Park to make room for a possible church expansion. Irvine Fox, representing the church, asked for and received approval from the Boyle County Fiscal Court to move between 40 and 50 remains to the Main Street side of the park. This would put all the grave sites in the triangle marked by monuments for pioneer surgeon Dr. Ephraim McDowell, Presbyterian minister David Rice and a Confederate soldier.
The Housing Authority of Danville has voted to put up a new sign at the old public housing complex on South Second Street. At the request of citizens, the new sign will say “Bate-Wood Homes” to stress the name originally intended to honor two prominent black community leaders.
Janie Pass, executive director of Heart of Kentucky United Way said the fund-raising goal for this year’s campaign is $450,000. Realizing they are going for yet another record — and trying to do it in a fairly sluggish economy — the kickoff luncheon organizers did what they could to fire up the crowd. Jeannette Davis, chairman of the Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce, created a pep rally-like atmosphere.