News briefs, September 19
Published 2:04 pm Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Parksville moves line repairs to today (Wednesday), boil water advisory after
The Parksville Water District has rescheduled work on lines to Wednesday, Sept. 19. Jerry Feather with the district said the repairs, originally scheduled for last week, have been pushed back to today due to the recent rain. Water will but shut off at 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., but may possibly resume earlier. However, a boil water advisory will be in effect from Wednesday until further notice.
The areas where the service will be shut off today (Wednesday) with the advisory to follow include: Forkland Road, Carpenter’s Creek Road, Butchertown Road, Tar Lick Road, Crawford Hollow Road, the south side of Mitchellsburg Knob Road, Minor’s Branch Road, Elk Cave Road, Curtis Road and Medlock Road.
The work being done is to repair lines damaged from the earlier flooding in the area.
Danville-Boyle County Recreation Commission Special Called Meeting — 4:15 p.m. today (Sept.19) at Rotary-Kroger Shelter at Millennium Park. Agenda includes: treasurer’s report; presentation by Parker Tolson; program and maintenance reports; Little League; and camp fees for soccer, field naming/sponsors and opening time for Bunny Davis recreation center.
“The Meeting” to be performed Thursday
The public performance of “The Meeting,” a nationally-known one-act play written by Jeff Stetson, will be 7 p.m. Thursday at Danville High School Gravely Hall. “The Meeting” is a powerful drama that imagines what would have happened if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had a chance to meet and discuss civil rights and their philosophies before they were assassinated, three years apart. The play features Danville City Police Chief Tony Gray as “the bodyguard,” and stars Whit Whitaker as King and Patrick Mitchell as Malcolm X. Kentucky Poet Laureate Frank X Walker will introduce the production and lead a discussion afterward.
Tickets are free but there is a suggested donation of $5 for adults and $2 for students.