Summer Sizzle Karaoke finale
Published 6:08 am Wednesday, October 3, 2018
The Summer Sizzle Karaoke finale was held at the Lancaster Grand Theater Saturday Sept. 22. The finale winners were Heather Highley in first, Alysson Faulconer in second and Samantha Wellsman in third place.
Despite the rain, there was a fantastic turn out, with a tremendous amount of talent on the stage. It was a great round of entertainment for all who attended the event.
Twenty-one contestants of all ages sang their hearts out for a chance at first place. A sing-off of all second and third place weekly winners started the evening, with the finale at 6:30. The contest began in July at Leo’s Restaurant, running every Saturday evening with the grand finale at The Lancaster Grand Theater.
DJ Robert Denny kept the show moving along. The contest judges were Mayor Chris Davis, Becky Horseman, Dan Waters and Enrique Ortiz. Gregg Ives provided the sound system and lighting. Prizes were donated by many individuals and local businesses, including Hammond’s Hall Bed and Breakfast, the Venue at Pleasant Retreat, Bradford BBQ, Whole Latte Love, Papatucky’s and The Frame Corner.
There was a fantastic assortment of foods available and Garrard Public Library Annex came to the rescue with a dry place to sit and enjoy food & drinks. The Garrard Community Art Council would like to thank all who donated their time, skills and equipment for this fund raising event.
Bobbie Gayle Lewis, Garrard Community Art Center director and contest organizer, was thrilled with the turn out and financial support which exceeded her expectations.
All proceeds go towards the renovation of the new arts center.
- Highley
- Faulconer
- Wellsman