From our files, October 6
Published 6:53 am Saturday, October 6, 2018
100 YEARS AGO — 1918
Public schools and places of amusement in Danville and Boyle County were ordered closed yesterday in compliance with an order issued by the State Board of Health to prevent the spread of Spanish influenza. The order applies to colleges, business schools and all places where the public gathers in large crowds. A majority of those reported to be ill with the disease have no more than the old-fashioned grip.
Now while we are all shut out of schools, movies and churches, let’s help whip the Hun by gathering in walnuts and get much needed fresh air in the bargain. F.T. Burke will take care of the walnuts which patriotic boys and girls may bring in for gas masks for Uncle Sam. Mitchellsburg already has a barrel of walnuts gathered.
S.C. McConnell has purchased the 220-acre farm of M.J. Farris Jr., on the Perryville Pike. Mr. McConnell has been living on the place for the past five years.
For the past few days dust has been flying in all directions in the city of Danville and it is refreshing news to learn that the city authorities will sprinkle the streets. They have taken this action at the request of the board of health on account of the alarm over the spread of Spanish influenza. Members of the city council are to be commended for their quick compliance to this request, but we are of the opinion that the streets should be sprinkled before we have an epidemic of disease in our city.
75 YEARS AGO — 1943
Although World War II has taken them far from their Boyle County homes, five local boys were were formerly neighbors in the Perryville area have met one another during the course of their military service. T.G. Reynolds, who has been in service over a year in the South Pacific ran into Snukes Bugg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bugg of Danville Road. Some time ago, Reynolds also had a chance meeting with Morris Coyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Coyle, at Pearl Harbor, who has since gone to New Caledonia. Other chance meetings have been with Cecil Crews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Crews of Forkland, and with J.B. Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stephenson of Perryville.
Lieutenant Charles Tarkington of Moreland, who is now in Italy with the Medical Corps of the United States Army wrote in a letter to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Tarkington, also of Moreland, “The news of the last few days has been good and would lead one to believe the end of the terrific struggle is perhaps in sight … but when I think of our former failure and refusal to participate in any of the constructive measures aimed at world peace at the close of World War I, I simply shutter! … Unless there is a union of all the English-speaking peoples, I see no alternative but to repeat this bloody operation every generation until civilization has devoured itself.”
A telephone call from her son in service with the Navy Air Corps at Pearl Harbor was received here last week by Mrs. Nina Caldwell of West Danville. Guy Duncan, who has been with the U.S. Navy for the past 16 years, had a three-minute conversation with his mother. He had made previous arrangements to transact the call on the previous Monday from San Francisco. Mr. Duncan was stationed at Pearl Harbor at the time of the Japanese bombing attack on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941, and was slightly wounded during the action.
50 YEARS AGO — 1968
Judy Sharp, captain of the Red Midget Cheerleaders, was given a surprise slumber party at her home on Friday night in honor of her eighth birthday. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ronal Sharp, and her brother, Ronnie, entertained with a birthday breakfast on Saturday morning. Those were were present for the event were Mary Beth Sharp, Ann Mary Bodner, Patty Jo Bodner, Debbie Sharp and Susan Prioletti.
Reported dissatisfaction among several members of the Junction City government is blamed for a series of resignations to which two more were added yesterday. Latest city officials to quit are councilmen Joe Rosel and Robert Cloyd. Police Chief Carmi Lockhart resigned last week and more are expected.
P. Joseph Clarke Sr., 67, prominent Danville attorney died suddenly this morning while attending a hearing before the Zoning Commission at Danville City Hall.
25 YEARS AGO — 1993
A circuit court judge has accepted a survey completed last February as the proper line between Boyle and Lincoln counties, resolving a lawsuit filed in 1985 by Boyle County. The new line is about 500 feet north of the former border between the Short Acres Lane-U.S. 127 intersection in Junction City and a tree marker in southeastern Boyle County. It also places in Lincoln County a 250-acre tract north of the county line. When Kentucky established Boyle County in 1842, the owner of the property, Peter DePaw, demanded it remain in Lincoln County even though it sat north of the proposed line. The DePaw tract is at the end of Gose Pike and connected to the rest of Lincoln County by a 99-foot wide stretch of land. The property is owned today by Willie Sharp White, Hugh Helm and Hickory Estates Ltd.
After a five-year effort by Perryville residents, their new community center is finished. Mike Wilder, chairman of the Merchants Row Development Corp. board said he hopes the completion of the center will be a catalyst for other projects in the city.
Mildred Middleton, a graduate of Kentucky School for the Deaf and a former teacher at the school, recently was honored when a new postage stamp was issued honoring the deaf community. The stamps show the American Sign Language hand sign for “I love you.”
George Clooney, grandson of Dicie Warren of Boyle County, is now appearing on the network show “Sisters.” He has also appeared as a detective on “Roseanne.” His grandmother said she’s glad his hair style has been changed. She didn’t like the slicked-back look he had on “Roseanne.”