Weekender, Dec. 6
Published 6:37 am Thursday, December 6, 2018
Events for this column must be submitted to the Advocate by *NOON MONDAY* to be in the Thursday newspaper. Send events (must include complete information: hours, admission price, contact for info, etc.) to bit.ly/amevents. Events may also be emailed to bcurd@amnews.com.
Perryville Jamboree, 5:30-10 p.m. Saturdays at 103 N. Bragg St. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and is served until 7 p.m. Entertainment by Kentucky South with guest performers. Cover is $10. To keep up with guest artists and other events, like Perryville Jamboree on Facebook. Info: (859) 583-9780.
Habitat Hoedown, 3 p.m. Sunday at Southside Christian Church, 1950 Danville Road, Harrodsburg. A benefit for Mercer County Habitat for Humanity, featuring Natalie Berry Marshall and The Right Guys Band. Tickets: (859) 734-5086, Habitatmercer@gmail.com
Karaoke, 7:30 p.m.-midnight Friday at Garden Club, Junction City. Cover is $10. Info: (859) 583-1100.
Slowdown, 8 p.m.-midnight Friday and Saturday at Mae Johnson’s White Barn, Waynesburg. Cost is $5. Pool room opens at 7 p.m. Information: (606) 365-3417. Every Saturday, a door prize will be awarded for tickets drawn for a $100 prize.
Fredia’s Country Music, 7:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 4221 Dry Ridge Road, Liberty. Cost is $6 at the door. A new band plays every weekend, family-friendly environment. Info: (606) 706-8596
Pickers and grinners open jam session, 10:15 a.m.-noon Saturdays at Kentucky Fudge Company, 225 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Bring instrument and sing along with us. For more information, call Tim at (859) 733-0088.
Acoustic jam/amplified jam, 7-9:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays every month. Jam sessions are being held at the Masonic Lodge at North Fourth and Smith streets. For more information, call John Hughes at (859) 583-4112.
A CTIP project by Van Dang, Sara Dewitt and Muzi Yan, Nov. 12-30 at at Aegon Gallery in the Jones Visual Arts Center, South Beatty Avenue on Centre College’s campus. Aegon Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Lynn Sweet: Backroad Botanicals, through Dec. 22 at New Editions Gallery, 500 W. Short St., Lexington. New works by a Lexington Master Craftsman, beloved as a teacher, innovator and designer, this new series of frescos further explores the beautiful countryside in Kentucky’s back roads. Opening reception 5-8 pm. Nov. 16. Regular hours 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Info: eweditionsgallery.com.
Auditions for “The Other Side of the Mountain,” 2:30 p.m. Sunday and 6:30 p.m. Monday at West Wing, 137 N. Third St., Danville. Written by West T. Hill Community Theatre’s friend, Catherine Bush, an award-winning play set in Appalachia. A drama/comedy that conveys a clash of cultures, shattered dreams and secrets best left alone. It reminds audiences that once you’ve seen the other side of the mountain, you can never go back. Roles available for four women and three men, will be directed by Kolton Winfield. Production dates are Feb. 9-10 and 15-17.
First Friday and holiday open house, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday at Wilderness Trail Distillery, 4095 Lebanon Road. On Friday, 6-9 p.m., music by Jonathan New will be featured, as well as food by The Caterer. Anyone purchasing bourbon during the open house will receive a mahogany collector box. Also, Brian Haara, author of “Bourbon Justice: How Whiskey Law Shaped America,” will have a book signing 11 am. to 1 p.m. that Saturday. The book tells Bourbon stories, not dry history lessons. And it’s the only Bourbon book that uncovers the truth about Bourbon by not merely repeating marketing tales.
Boyle County Homemakers are hosting a Holiday Craft Week, 10 a.m. daily through Friday, Dec. 7, at the Boyle County Extension Office. Dec. 5, holiday ornament, $7; Dec. 6, holiday cards, $8; Dec. 7, placemats or potholder & hot pad, $7-$10. Info: (859) 236-4484
Hour of Code, 4:30 p.m. today (Thursday, Dec. 6) at BCPL, Danville. Learn to use the MIT App inventor “Talk to Me Mobile App” in this one-hour introduction to computer science. For ages 9-18.
Ornament Workshop, 2-4 p.m. Sunday at BCPL, Danville. Choose from three ornament designs to make and take with you to decorate your tree.
KidStir, 4 p.m. Tuesday at BCPL, Danville. A cooking class for kids to make fun and delicious food. Registration is required. (Ages 5-8.)
Yoga for senior citizens, 10 a.m. Thursdays at A Gathering Place-Danville-Boyle County Senior Citizens Inc., 569 Jean Drive. Led by Beverly Cochran, volunteer instructor. Open to all senior citizens in the area. Info: (859) 236-2070
Munchkin & Me (18months to 3 years), 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays at CAC, Danville. Introduce your tiny artist to the arts in this free, drop-in class for toddlers and their caregivers. The program combines art-making with literacy activities. Info: communityartscenter.net
Adult Education/GED Class, 5 p.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. Offered by the Boyle County Adult Ed/GED Program, earn your GED for free, held in Conference Room. Info: (606) 922-6819
Adult Ed/GED, 9 a.m.-noon Monday-Thursday at The Presbyterian Church of Danville, 500 W. Main St. Free program offered to help obtain GED. Enrollment in an online GED Prep program is also available at no cost. Info: (606) 922-6819
Kids Visual Arts (PK4-3rd grade), 4-5 p.m. Wednesdays through Dec. 5 at CAC, Danville. Students will be introduced to a range of artistic styles and mediums, including learning about famous artists and their work. Cost is $40 per 4-week session.
Body Recall, 9-9:45 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at First Christian Church Disciple of Christ, 555 E. Lexington Ave., Danville. Classes help regain strength, mobility and flexibility, aid in everyday living. Fee is $6 a week. Info: Carolyn Walter, (859) 548-8203, 236-4006.
Beginning knitting/crochet groups, Mondays at Garrard County Extension Office (GCEO), 1302 Stanford Road, Lancaster. Beginning knitting will be 10 a.m., crochet at 2 p.m. Beginners or those who want to brush up on their skills may join. Information: (859) 792-3026
Painting, noon-4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at GCAC, Lancaster. Cost is $30 per class, includes all materials. Private classes and painting parties available. Instructed by Bobbie Gayle Lewis. Info: (859) 948-6988
The Paint Bar, 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at Arts Council of Mercer County Studio & Gallery (ACMC), 120 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Engaging series catered to anyone interested in creating art. Cost: $28 per class. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Open studio, 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday at ACMC, Harrodsburg. The gallery’s newest series. Bring a photo or an idea you would like to paint and an art professional will help you create your masterpiece. Cost: $20, supplies included. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Opening Act Studio, at Hometown Kids, 440 W. 4th St., Perryville. Classes taught by Emma Steberl, a Perryville resident with 15 years of theater and performance experience who has trained with top industry professionals in New York City. Limited scholarships will be available. Info: Emma Steberl, (859) 319-6821, or like Opening Act on Facebook
Little Paws Piano and Music Studio, 475 West Main St., Danville. Kindermusik Classes offered for ages 0-5 years, $60 per month includes album of music for each unit (five different units for different age groups, call for unit and schedule); private piano instruction, $20/lesson; group piano, $15/class; guitar by instructor Jeff Hogue, $75/month; percussion by instructor Lucas Hunt, $20/lesson; voice by instructors Grace Sheene and Collette Jones, $20/lesson; trumpet by instructor Michael May, $20/lesson. Info: (859) 319-1066
Creative Kids Series, 10 a.m.-noon last Saturday of each month at ACMC, Harrodsburg. A way for kids of all ages to experience creating art. Cost is $10/class. Info: (859) 613-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com
Painting parties, through GCAC, Lancaster. Reserve a date for a group to have a fun night out creating a painting. Participants will go home with a 16×20 painting. Instructor will travel to a location or may be hosted at our Arts Center. All materials included. Info: (859) 948-6988
Violin, piano, ukulele and voice instruction by Amanda Sivers. Info: (859) 319-3806, amandasivers.com
Piano and voice instruction, en Inglés o Español by Richard Ferreira, Danville. Info: (859) 329-7814
Violin instruction by Phil DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (859) 509-4293
Voice instruction by Shauntina Phillips, at CAC, Danville. Info: shauniphillips@gmail.com, (859) 209-1265
Piano instruction by Mary DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (502) 625-6430
Guitar instruction by Jeff Cain, at CAC, Danville. Info: jcain807@hotmail.com, (606) 669-3040
Kids Homeschool Book Club, 2 p.m. Friday at BCPL, Danville. The book selection this month is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. Discuss the book, participate in trivia, and enjoy snacks. Register in the Children’s Library.
LEGO Club, 4 p.m. Friday at BCPL, Danville. Build your own unique creation to be put on display in the Children’s Library.
Chess Club, 2 p.m. Saturday at BCPL, Danville. Meet and play with other chess players in the community. All ages and levels are welcome.
Open Coding Club, 4 p.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. Learn to code at the Library. No experience required. Email danville.code@gmail.com to register. For all students in grades 6-12, held in computer lab.
Crafters Who Care, 6 p.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. Group knits/crochets hats, scarves and afghans to share with those in need — some also work3 on looms. Those who would like to learn are welcome; donations of yarn gladly accepted. Participation is free/no registration required.
Origami Club, 4:30 p.m. Dec. 14 at BCPL, Danville. . Improve your skills at origami by trying out new projects using tutorials with varying levels of difficulty. For ages 9-13.
Girls who Code Club, grades 3-5, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Dec. 17; Jan. 15 and 20; and Feb. 19 at LCPL, Stanford. For grades 6-12 (enter club code KY9345 when registering), 5:30-7 p.m. Dec. 18; Jan. 15 and 29 ; Feb. 19; March 5 and 10; April 23; and May 7. Register at hq.girlswhocode.com, or contact Amanda Gearhart at (606) 365-7513, director@lcplinfo.org. For grades 3-5, enter code KY9344 when registering; enter KY9345 for grades 6-12.
Minecraft Club, 6 p.m. Tuesdays at LCPL, Stanford. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513
Lego Club, second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Lincoln County Public Library (LCPL), 201 Lancaster St., Stanford, Stanford.
Art Club, noon-3 p.m. last Tuesday of every month at GCAC, Lancaster. Open to everyone in all mediums. Come have fun and work on your own project while being inspired with fellow artists; bring a snack to share. Free. Info: www.garrardarts.com, (859) 948-6988
Mystery Book Club, 1 p.m. second Wednesday of each month at GCPL, 101 Lexington St., Lancaster. Stop by the library to pick book up at circulation desk. Info: (859) 792-3424
Happy Scrappers Scrapbook Club, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. third Saturday of the month in Community Room 2 at LCPL, Stanford. New participants are welcome.
Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club, 7:30 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of every month at American Legion Post 46, 45 Spears Lane, Danville. Info: wrarc.com
BCPL Trivia Night, 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday, Dec. 6) and Dec. 13 at BCPL, Danville. Celebrate the Library’s upcoming 125th Anniversary! Play trivia with your team to win free library swag like tote bags, pens, lanyards and more. Categories will feature questions on BCPL, Kentucky libraries, and general library facts. For all ages.
Second Monday Book Discussion Group, 3 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. This month the book selection is “1222” by Anne Holt. Copies are available at the circulation desk.
Adult Storytime, 9 a.m. Mondays at BCPL, Danville. A weekly social hour and book club for individuals with and without disabilities to utilize the library and pursue common interests together.
I Survived — 1893 Breakout, 4:30 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville The library was founded in 1893. Tweens are invited to see if they would survive the various challenges and disasters that occurred that year to beat the breakout game. For ages 9-13.
Mindfulness Monday — Snow Floam, 6 p.m. Tuesday at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy an hour of mindfulness by making snow floam. Focus on squishing and shaping the floam to let go of stress.
Gingerbread Zombies, 4:30 p.m. Dec. 13 at BCPL, Danville. A fun twist on a classic holiday cookie. Decorate a gingerbread cookie as a zombie you can eat. For ages 9-18.
Coloring & Conversation, 6 p.m. Dec. 13 at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the Library’s coloring club for adults. This monthly program is offered in partnership with the Boyle County Extension Office.
Zentangle and adult coloring, 10 a.m.-noon and 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday of the month at LCPL, Stanford. Create new Zentangle projects or relax with adult coloring. Registration required.
Ceramic Creations by Jaque, 535 S. Fourth St., Danville. A paint-your-own pottery studio, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. Cost is $10 and up. Info: (859) 236-7288
McDowell House Museum and Apothecary Shop, 125 S. Second St., Danville. A National Historic Landmark offering tours through Dr. Ephraim McDowell’s home. Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 2-4 p.m. Sunday. The Gift Shop at Constitution Square, 134 S. Second St., Danville, sells Kentucky-made items. Info: (859) 236-2804 for museum; 236-2803 for gift shop.
Paint Your Own Pottery Studio, inside of CAC, Danville. Private rentals begin at $40, plus the cost of bisque for a two-hour event. Info: (859) 236-4054, communityartscenter.net
The Great American Dollhouse Museum, 344 Swope Dr., Danville. Hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Cost is $7/adults, $5/children 2-12. Info: (859) 583-8000, thedollhousemuseum.com.
Boyle County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler (18 months-2 years) at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Preschool (ages 3-5) at 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays. Info: (859) 238-7323
Garrard County Public Library Storytimes: 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 1 p.m. Thursdays. No storytime if special programs held at same time. Info: (859) 792-3424
Lincoln County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler Tales, 10 a.m. Thursdays; Preschool, 11 a.m. Thursdays. Info: lcplinfo.org., (606) 365-7513. Family Story Hour, 6 p.m. Nov. 15 at LCPL, Stanford. Families with children of all ages are welcome to attend.