This week at the Boyle County Public Library
Published 3:10 pm Friday, December 28, 2018
The Boyle County Public Library offers many fun, educational events for all ages.Weekly programs include Adult Storytime 9 a.m. Mondays, Coding Classes 4 p.m. Mondays, Adult Education Classes 5 p.m. Mondays, Crafters Who Care 6 p.m. Mondays, and Storytimes on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. The library will close early on Monday, Dec. 31 for New Year’s Eve, and be closed all day Jan. 1.
In addition to these weekly events, the following library-sponsored programs are scheduled for this week:
• Storytimes: Due to the holiday, there will be no Toddler or Preschool Storytime at the Library on Tuesday. Preschool and Homeschool Storytimes will be held on Wednesday. All regular storytimes will resume on Jan. 8.
• Community Blood Drive: 10:30-5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The City of Danville Community Blood Drive will be held at the library in the Community Room. Kentucky Blood Center (KBC) is encouraging Kentuckians to roll up their sleeves, donate blood, and help Kentucky patients. To schedule a donation, visit or call (800) 775-2522.
• Beyblades Battles: 4:30 p.m. Friday. Tweens (ages 9-13) can play with others in a Beyblades battle. Players can bring their own Beyblade tops or use those provided by the library to use in the battle arena. This event will be held in the Storytime Room.
• Homeschool Book Club: 2 p.m. Friday. Led by Children’s Librarian Libby McWhorter, this book club is designed for children ages 5-8 and features a book discussion and trivia activities. This month, participants are reading “Wednesday Wars” by Gary D. Schmidt. Snacks will be served. Register for this club in the Children’s Library.
• Lego Club: 4 p.m. Friday. Held in the Storytime Room. The finished LEGO creations will be placed on display in the library.
• Yeti Movie Party: 2 p.m. Jan. 5. Watch a new movie about a friendly yeti who discovers humans for the first time. All ages are invited to enjoy yeti-themed crafts and snacks during the party. (Rated PG; 109 minutes)
Call (859) 238-7323, visit the website at, or stop by to inquire about children’s, ‘tween and teen activities, and adult programs offered throughout the month. Some activities require registration for participation.