News briefs, Jan. 12
Published 7:59 pm Friday, January 11, 2019
Danville City Commission — 5:30 p.m. Monday at city hall. Agenda includes pinning of Sgt. Chase Broach and Sgt. Brandon Record; appointment of mayor pro tem; commission meeting date and time discussion; CVB project update; a resolution to accept the parks and recreation master plan; and a report on water and sewer rates.
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15 in Room 106, Boyle County Courthouse. Agenda includes: consider part time position; permission to advertise for floater position; consider compactor replacement; present 2019 budget; salary cap order; advancement bond; approve EMA director reappointment; TAP grant resolution; employee reappointment orders; consider compensatory agreements.
Free social security seminar Jan. 22
DANVILLE — Understanding how Social Security works and impacts retirees can be a complex subject. FNB Investment Services, a division of Farmers National Bank, will host a free, no obligation seminar to help community members learn more about how they can maximize their Social Security benefits.
If you are retired or plan to retire soon, this educational seminar can be beneficial. The seminar will be held Tuesday, Jan. 22 from 5-6 p.m. at the Boyle County Public Library Community Room. Robert Spence of Raymond James Financial Services will serve as the guest speaker.
For more information and to register, please contact Amy Newell of FNB Investment Services or (859) 238-0609.
Weekend walk-in care moving to Haggin Primary Care
HARRODSBURG — Weekend Walk-in Care at Ephraim McDowell James B. Haggin Hospital will be moving to Ephraim McDowell Haggin Primary Care effective Feb. 2. Ephraim McDowell Haggin Primary Care is located across the parking lot from Ephraim McDowell James B. Haggin Hospital.
Weekend walk-in care is available Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. No appointments are needed. Common ailments that can be treated are sprains, upper respiratory infections, colds, coughs, flu, fever, earaches, sports injuries, eye infections, cuts, bruises, rashes, nausea, insect bites, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Ephraim McDowell Haggin Primary Care Weekend Walk-in Care will be located at 470 Linden Avenue, Suite 5 in Harrodsburg. For more information, call (859) 733-5864.