Danville Schools 19-20 calendar approved
Published 7:19 pm Tuesday, January 29, 2019
The Danville Board of Education approved the school district’s 2019-20 calendar Monday night. The first day of school for students will be Aug. 14 and the last day will be May 20, 2020, as long as inclement weather doesn’t cause a delay.
The district’s calendar committee was unanimous in presenting a single option for the 2019-20 year to the school board, said Ron Ballard, director of support services.
The committee opted to line up Danville’s fall and spring breaks with the Boyle County School District: Both districts will be off the weeks of Oct. 7-11 and April 6-10.
Danville’s winter break is similar to Boyle’s, as well. Danville students will be in class through Friday, Dec. 20, meaning their official winter break begins on Monday, Dec. 23. (Boyle students’ winter break begins on Dec. 20.)
Students in both districts will return to class on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2020, after teachers have a planning day on Monday, Jan. 6, 2020.
Danville students will be off school for Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5; and the day before, Monday, Nov. 4. The district will have planning days for teachers on those days.
Additional days out of school for Danville students will be:
• Sept. 2 (Labor Day);
• Nov. 27-29 (Thanksgiving break);
• Jan. 20, 2020 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day);
• Feb. 18, 2020 (President’s Day); and
• March 23, 2020 (Planning day for teachers).
The Feb. 18 and March 23, 2020, dates could be converted into makeup days if necessary. The district has designated weekdays from May 22 through June 1, 2020, as potential makeup days, as well.
The Danville school board approved the 2019-20 calendar unanimously. They also agreed to allow the calendar committee to develop recommended dates for fall and spring breaks for the 2020-21 school year, in order to help parents with jobs that require advanced vacation planning.