Saying ‘I do’ on Valentine’s Day
Published 8:05 pm Friday, February 15, 2019
- Boyle County Magistrate Jamey Gay performs a wedding ceremony for Steven Thompson and Ariel Privette on Valentine’s Day. The couple became engaged on Christmas and solidified their union on Thursday under the pergola in Weisiger Park outside the Boyle Count Courthouse. Photo by Bobbie Curd
Steven Thompson and Ariel Privette both said they do Thursday night in Weisiger Park, just outside of the Boyle County Courthouse under the recently renovated park’s pergola. The marriage was performed by Boyle County Magistrate Jamey Gay, who is also a justice of the peace.
Thompson said having the wedding on Valentine’s Day night at the courthouse was his idea.
“I asked her to marry me on Christmas. My grandparents got married Dec. 24, 1938, so I wanted to keep that tradition going,” Thompson said.
Gay thought the Valentine’s plan was sweet; it was the fourth wedding he’s performed, after being authorized to do so by Judge-Executive Howard Hunt.
“It is one of the fun parts of the job to me … there is nothing like seeing the joy in couples’ faces when you get to pronounce them husband and wife.”
The first marriage he presided over was a local couple who held the ceremony by the fountain in the back of Old Centre, where they had their prom pictures taken together in high school.
“I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever perform marriages,” he said. “I really enjoy it.”
- Boyle County Magistrate Jamey Gay, left, and the newly married couple Steven Thompson and Ariel Privette. Photo by Bobbie Curd
- Photo by Bobbie Curd
- Photo by Bobbie Curd