Taylor’s design becomes a library reality

Published 6:40 pm Monday, April 1, 2019


Boyle County High School

The Boyle County High School library recently took on a whole new look. After years of student traffic, it was time for a face lift.

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Since beginning her role as the library media specialist five years ago, Julie Taylor has hoped for funding to transform a traditional library setting into a working media center. Leading up to this current school year, administrators have communicated hints of being able to purchase new carpet, furniture, and even paint as a necessary change. Unfortunately, the funding has not been available.

Taylor explained, “After this happened a few times I decided to gather all the information about what I would want new in the library. I asked students that come in here what they like and do not like, and I have taken into account how they use the library.

“I drew the library to scale on some graph paper and gathered everything I would want so that when they came to me the next time saying ‘hey, this might really happen’, I gave them the outline right away and was ready to go!”

Library Media Specialist Julie Taylor is very excited to have the new renovations completed, allowing the library to be fully functional for the students once again. Photo by Sierra Dean.

Ready to go she was, as the funding finally became available this current school year. The remodeling began after Thanksgiving break and was not completed until mid-February.

The library has changed over the years; the majority of books now being replaced by technology. Now referred to as the library media center, the large room incorporates even more usages. “We have to have a lot more knowledge about technology to help students in the classroom. We still use the good old-fashion books as well. Groups of students also come in to use the green screen for projects and we have space for two now instead of just one.”

With the new library design, there are many advantages for students. “I reorganized how the library was arranged to put the couches with the fiction books and coffee shop because that is more chatty and social, whereas the nonfiction side is a little bit more quiet. With the new design, there are a lot more tables tucked away for students who come in to take tests or study.” Senior Allison Goble likes the new arrangement. “It is a better environment to study in because it is a lot more organized and there are many more seating options.”

Student aide Harrison Adams, also a senior, jokingly states, “I like the new student aide desk. It is more comfortable and gives you a sense of power.”

Although Taylor likes the new library, she does dream of one day removing the wall in the center of the room; therefore, creating one large work space. Currently, agricultural construction teacher Matt Whitaker and fashion and interior design instructor Kerrie Goggin are teaming up with their classes to create an outdoor reading area located on the other side of the exterior library wall. Taylor hopes to one day connect the media center with this new outdoor reading space by inserting a door for easier access.

Until her dream world becomes a reality, Taylor is extremely pleased with the current remodeling project, and she hopes the students are just as excited about its most recent facelift.