Free shredding event to take donations for kids
Published 7:29 pm Tuesday, May 7, 2019
- Public domain
A free event will be held 4-6 p.m. Thursday at the Boyle County Public Library, allowing the community to get rid of unwanted papers that may be too risky to throw out. A shredding truck will be on site, offering free shredding services.
Organizer Valery McMann with FNB Investment Services said the shred service is something they do periodically, and is a very popular event.
“This year, I had a Centre College intern — Maddie Russell — who performed a survey,” McMann said, as part of her ESG studies (environmental, social and government) relating to investing. McMann said Russell found the biggest concern locally, through talking to clients and bank employees, is quality education.
“So this is the first time we’ve taken donations during the event, but we wanted to benefit education in some way,” she said.
Donations will go to the library’s Summer Reading Program, and Woodlawn and Toliver elementary schools’ Family Resource Centers.
While this is a free event and donations are not required, they are appreciated to help area resource centers and the library gear up for summer needs.
Items requested for donation include:
• gently used children’s books for ages 0-18;
• any kind of school supplies;
• children’s clothing sizes 4T through 16/18, panties/underwear, sports shorts, sweatpants and sweatshirts; and
• child-appropriate hygiene items such as deodorant, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo and body wash.
The shredding event will be in the library’s parking lot. Local document destruction company Docubit will be on-hand with a shredding truck.
The truck will only accept paper items. No plastic or X-rays can be shredded, and paperclips and staples must be removed from any papers.
Participants may bring as many boxes of paper to shred as they want, however those with more than five boxes should please call (859) 238-0606 to schedule a drop-off time.
McMann said the event will be held rain or shine, unless there’s severe weather.