KHSAA honors Triple Threat athletes
Published 7:52 pm Tuesday, June 4, 2019
The Kentucky High School Athletic Association has released its list of 2018-19 Triple Threat Award Winners. Boyle County (15), and Danville (14) were both among the top 20 schools in the state by number of students to receive the award.
The award, introduced for the 2017-18 athletic year, was part of “an effort to continue the national emphasis and the KHSAA’s own efforts to de-emphasize sports specialization in the athletic culture,” according to the KHSAA website.
The award recognizes student athletes who have participated at the varsity level for sports during all three seasons during the academic year (fall, winter, and spring).
Though it’s only in its second year of existence, there could already be some signs that it’s achieving its goal of reducing athletic specialization. In its first year, 14 schools had zero players receive the award. This year, that total is down to only 11.
Boyle County, who had 17 Triple Threat Winners last year, will be graduating four of its winners this year. They also had four juniors, three sophomores, and four freshmen who qualified for the award. Danville, who also had 14 the year before, also graduates four winners. The others included two juniors, four sophomores, three freshmen, and an eighth grader.
Throughout the summer, the Advocate-Messenger will be highlighting these student-athletes’ seasons.