Boyle County Fair goat show results

Published 7:05 pm Monday, June 17, 2019


The Advocate-Messenger

The results of the Boyle County Fair goat show that was held Wednesday night are:


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Pee Wee Class –  Dillon Crowe

Novice — Aubree Nickell


1st place, Anna Stoltham, 2nd place, Avery Holman, 3rd place, Avery Turner, 4th place, Makayla Cornett, 5th place, Miranda Webb


1st place, Josh Cornett, 2nd place, Matthew DeMoss-Hale, 3rd place, Maggie Wilhoite, and 4th place Caitlin Kreider

Dairy Goat Show 

The Dairy goat show was broken down into two divisions.

Division A:  Toggenburg, Nubian, Alpine and Recorded Grade.  Division B:

Saanen, Nigerian Dwarf, AOP, and LaMancha

Division A

Junior Doe (0-3 months)

1st and 3rd place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 2nd place, Caitlin Kreider, 4th place, Josh Cornett, 5th place Stoltman Family, and 6th and 7th place, Makayla Cornett

Junior Doe (3-6- months)

1st place Stoltman Family, 2nd place, Josh Cornett, 3rd place, Caitlin Kreider, 4th place, Anna Grace Stoltman

Yearling Doe (9-12 months)

1st place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 2nd place Josh Cornett, 3rd place Stoltman Family, 4th place Makayla Cornett

Senior Doe (over 2 and under 3 years)

1st place, Makayla Cornett, 2nd place, Stoltman Family, 3rd place, Anna Grace Stoltman,

4th place, Josh Cornett

Senior Doe (over 3 and under 5 years)

1st place, Stoltman Family, 2nd place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 3rd place, Josh Cornett

Senior Doe (over 5 years)

1st place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 2nd place Stoltman Family

Division A Junior Doe Champion:  Anna Grace Stoltman and Reserve Josh Cornett

Division A Senior Doe Champion:  Anna Grace Stoltman and Reserve Josh Cornett

Division B

Junior Doe (0-3 months)

1st place, Makayla Cornett, 2nd place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 3rd place, Stoltman Family,

4th place, Josh Cornett

Junior Doe (3-6 months)

1st place, Makayla Cornett, 2nd place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 3rd place, Josh Cornett,

4th place, Stoltman Family

Junior Doe (6-9 months)

1st place, Stoltman Family

Yearling Doe (9-12 months)

1st place, Josh Cornett, 2nd place Makayla Cornett, 3rd and 4th place, Cash Bowles,

5th and 7th place, Anna Grace Stoltman, 6th place, Stoltman Family

Yearling Doe Not in Milk (12-24 months)

1st  and 2nd place, Gage Ross

Yearling Milkers in Milk (12-24 months)

1st place, Josh Cornett, 2nd place: Makayla Cornett, 3rd place, Cash Bowles

Senior Doe (over 2 and under 3)

1st place, Makayla Cornett, 2nd place Stoltman Family, 3rd place, Anna Grace Stoltman,

4th place, Josh Cornett, 5th place Cash Bowles

Senior Doe (over 3 and under 5)

1st place, Josh Cornett, 2nd place, Makayla Cornett, 3rd place, Anna Grace Stoltman,

4th place, Stoltman Family

Senior Doe (over 5 years)

1st place Stoltman Family

Division B Junior Doe Champion:  Josh Cornett and Reserve: Makayla Cornett

Division B Senior Doe Champion:  Stoltman Family and Reserve:  Josh Cornett

Junior Overall Champion:  Josh Cornett and Reserve:  Anna Grace Stoltman

Senior Overall Champion:  Stoltman Family and Reserve:  Josh Cornett

Best Doe in the Show:  Stoltman Family

Boyle County Youth Show Champion:  Caitlin Kreider and Reserve:  Gage Ross

Market class

Class 1 (weight 32 to 40 pounds)

1st place, Aubree Nickell, 2nd place, Miranda Webb, 3rd place, Cheyene Phillips,

4th place, Montana Phillips

Class 2 (weight 41 to 48 pounds)

1st place, Matthew DeMoss-Hale, 2nd place, Aubree Nickell, 3rd  and 5th place, Vayden Williams, 4th place, Miranda Webb

Class 3 (weight 52-53 pounds)

1st place, Grant Holman and 2nd place Maggie Wilhoite

Class 4 (weight 63-73 pounds)

1st  and 2nd  place, Avery Holman, 3rd place, Matthew DeMoss-Hale, 4th place Avery Turner and 5th place, Grant Holman

Market Champion:  Avery Holman, Reserve Matthew DeMoss-Hale

Wether dams

Class 1 (weight 53-57)

1st place, Matthew DeMoss-Hale, 2nd place, Avery Holman, 3rd place, Maggie Wilhoite,

4th place, Miranda Webb

Class 2 (weight 82 – 115)

1st place, Avery Turner, 2nd place, Maggie Wilhoite

Wether Champion:  Matthew DeMoss-Hale, Reserve, Avery Turner