News briefs, July 20
Published 7:05 pm Friday, July 19, 2019
Danville City Commission — 5:30 p.m. Monday, July 22 at city hall. Agenda includes resolutions for Community Arts Center name change; EDA Grant amendment; summer paving list; and Main Street Streetscape contract amendment. It also includes second readings of ordinances for the following amendments: parking; grass and weeds season; code enforcement officer; and Board of Architectural Review. Urban Renewal Board reappointments and a resolution for access control bid award will be also be discussed.
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 10 a.m. Tuesday, July 23 at the Courthouse. Agenda includes: Shepherd’s House Update: Jarod Thomas, Broker Proposals, Community Development Block Grant Resolution: Jody Lassiter, Disseminate Personal Information Security Policy: Bill Nichols, County Clerk: Second Quarter Report, County Roads Speed Limit Ordinance Amendment, Paving Access Road to Veterans Memorial, G. Tractor Hydraulic System Repair; EMS, Consider AMB HIPAA Contract, Consider Mutual Aid Agreement with Lincoln County, Consider Part-Time Hire, Consider Purchase of Stair Chair; Joint Jail Committee Update; CJCC Meeting Update; Consider to Bid Jail Transport Vehicle; Consider Executive Order Establishing Complete Count Committee; Sheriff Quarterly Report; June 2019 Fiscal Court Financial Statements.
Danville-Boyle County Convention and Visitors Bureau — 9 a.m. Monday, July 22 at Hampton Inn Express, 200 Shannon Way.
Shaker Village hosts Mercer County Farmer’s Market
HARRODSBURG – The Mercer County Farmer’s Market will move to Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill for two dates in July. Customers can visit the Village on Wednesday, July 24 from 3 p.m to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday, July 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to shop for produce and other handmade goods. Items from Shaker Village will be available for purchase along with the vendors that regularly sell at the weekly Mercer County Farmer’s Market.
The Village is the perfect spot to host the Market while the Mercer County Fair and Horse Show occupy the Mercer County Fairgrounds. While admission to the Farmer’s Market is free of charge visitors can buy an admission ticket to explore the historic centre, the farm and the preserve. Admission gives access to a full day of Daily Adventure programming that includes guided tours, activities, farm experiences, exhibits and more.
To plan your visit to Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, or to learn more, visit or call (800) 734-5611.