Second Praise and Worship Summer Series event a success
Published 6:53 pm Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ventriloquist, Nelson Reynolds told Bible stories during the July Praise and Worship series event at Jackson Park. (Photo submitted by Aprile Hunt)
Praise and Worship Series
“Despite the heat and high humidity, a great time of fellowship and worship were enjoyed by all at the second Praise & Worship Summer Series event July 13 at Jackson Park. Many parents in the surrounding community brought their children to enjoy a variety of inflatables, face painting and blowing bubbles. The slide seemed to be the children’s favorite,” said Dr. Cheryl Erwin, who had been painting faces and serves in the Kentucky Baptist widows’ ministry.
Dr. Jim Clontz, Director of Missions for the South District Baptist Association and Boyle County Judge-Executive Howard Hunt welcomed the crowd and Pastor Ralph Smith gave the invocation. Everyone joined hands and formed a circle to pray and sing, “Bind Us Together, Lord”.
Over two hundred people came out to enjoy the evening. After twisting balloons into animals and other activities, everyone lined up to cool down and refresh themselves with Papa John’s pizza and cold drinks. This made a good transition to hear Bible stories from ventriloquist, Nelson Reynolds.
Pastor Smith, of St. James AME Church said, “I thought the event was wonderful, the children had a blast, a good time and the two programs for the children were wonderful. The testimonies touched people’s hearts and gave you something to think about.”
“In a world that has become so negative and mean spirited it is refreshing to see families and children experience an event of wholesome fun, and togetherness. The songs and testimonies of faith were positive and inspiring,” said Monty Carney, SDBA moderator and former pastor who monitored the children’s activities to be sure everyone was safe.
James Hunn, chairman of Hope Network said, “The event was awesome. It’s great seeing our community come together no matter the denomination. We are all children of God. As a survivor of sexual abuse and rape that kept me bound in fear and shame for over 45 years, the pain it caused me and my family has been redeemed by the love, grace and mercy that only God can give. I pray that through these events everyone who is dealing with any issue, sin or whatever can find hope through Jesus Christ.”
Gary Chidester, who attended with his wife Patti said, “We worshiped together, sang together, played together, ate together and prayed together. We met more of our neighbors as the people who surround the park came out. In days gone by we read about neighbors coming together, this night we experienced it.”
JR Fields, pastor of Pleasant Run Baptist Church, along with other pastors from the area led prayers over our leaders according to 1 Timothy chapter 2. The evening was closed with everyone singing, “Come Into My Heart Lord Jesus”.
The next Praise & Worship event will be 6-9:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3 at the Forkland Community Center.