News briefs, August 10
Published 7:44 pm Friday, August 9, 2019
Charity First Church of God holding revival
Charity First Church of God, College Street, Hustonville will be holding revival services August 14-18 at 7 p.m. each evening. Special singing will start at 6:30 p.m. Evangelist will be Dan Frederick. Marvin Hatton, pastor.
Patton Family Reunion
The 38th Patton Family Reunion will be held August 24 in the Pork Producers Building in the Central KY. Ag/Expo Center located at 678 Wallace Wilkinson Blvd. in Liberty. Doors will open at 9 a.m. (EST) and a potluck meal will be served at 12:30 p.m. (EST). There will be various activities throughout the day. Special events will be the Otis Fatten Coloring Contest for children and a display of antique and classic automobiles. All relatives and friends are invited. For additional information call or email Paul Patton, (606-) 72-2840,
Danville City Commission — 5:30 p.m. Monday at city hall. Agenda includes: retirement recognition of Danville Ofc. Patrick McQueen; introduction of Parks & Rec supervisor; proclamation for Everyone Eats Week; banner requests for RElay for Life and KY BBQ Festival; ordinances for compensation/classification and for Ad Valorem tax rates; and resolutions for Central KY Interpreter referral service billing agreement. Utilities: resolutions for vendor disclosure and for Koorsen agreement.
Boyle County Fiscal Court — 10 a.m. Tuesday, August 13 at Boyle County Courthouse. Agenda includes consent for Workers Compensation 2007 Dividend Presentation, Seeing Hearts, Parks and Recreation Ordinance Update, American Heart Association, Convention & Visitors: May 2019 Financial Statements, consider Personal Information Security Policy, consider Building Inspection Fee Adjustment, Medical Director RFP Proposal, Joint Jail Update, consider QMHP Proposal,,consider Jail A&E Proposal, consider Jail Vehicle, consider Animal Control Vehicle Purchase.
Housing Authority of Danville — 8 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 13 at its office located at 1014 Rosemont Avenue. Agenda includes: travel to KHA/TAHRA conference; discuss contractor issues with Coyle Manor/administration office contracts; PHA high-performer; recent REAC inspections; discuss RAD; discuss 390 Carr St.; resident commissioner; and awards received at NAHRO Conference.
Danville-Boyle County Board of Adjustments — 10 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 15 at Danville City Hall. Items on the agenda include: a public hearing for J&K Automotive and William McAnly who have applied for a variance on the property located at 925 Hustonville Road that is zoned Highway Commercial.