Hogsett shows off new primary school
Published 8:18 pm Wednesday, August 21, 2019
- Students and parents visit a first-grade classroom Monday evening. (Photo by Robin Hart)
Mary G. Hogsett Primary School held it’s public grand opening Tuesday evening with dozens of adults and children showing up to see the new school.
After opening remarks by Principal Suzanne Farmer, Danville Board of Education Chair Steven Becker and Director of Facilities and Maintenance Christy Denny in the spacious school cafeteria, several first-grade students held up their drawings that illustrated their favorite parts of the school. They drew pictures of the playground, their friends and even the blue and green tiled bathrooms.
These students were asked to run through a stream of crepe paper ribbon to ceremoniously “open the school.”
The renovated portion of the original school was unrecognizable, with contemporary circular ceiling lights that change color in the entrance hall, open classrooms and large-screen TVs.
Becker said the school was originally named for “Miss Mary” who started working in the office at Danville schools in 1927. She was also the school board’s executive secretary.
He said it was unique that the school was named in honor many years ago; she was never a teacher, principal, superintendent or administrator. “The school board thought so much of her, they felt she was a strong quality lady.”
- Modern light fixtures hang from the ceiling of the main entrance at Hogsett Primary School. The speciality lights can change colors and give the hallway a soft glow. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- Traditional water fountains are placed beside contemporary fountains where water bottles can be refilled.(Photo by Robin Hart)
- Children play on foam blocks in the the preschool hallway at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School during its open house Tuesday evening. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- Parents and stuents visit a kindergarten classroom at Hogsett Monday evening. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- (Photo by Robin Hart)
- A large crowd of adults and kids fillthe cafeteria at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School open house Monday evening. Opening remarks were made before everyone was invited to tour the building. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- Hogsett Primary School Priincipal Suzanne Farmer, peeks around someone’s shoulder wearing a birthday head band in celebration of the school’s grand opening Tuesday evening. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- Clay Albright holds his daughter, Kherington, as her twin brother Keightly, sits closely during opening remarks at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School’s public grand opening Tuesday evening.
- Clay Albright holds his daughter, Kherington, as her twin brother Keightly, sits closely during opening remarks at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School’s public grand opening Tuesday evening. (Photo by Robin Hart)
- Tammy and Paul Morse with their young friends, Keianna Agular and Charlotte Frink listen to opening remarks at Hogsett Primary School open house. (Photo by Robin Hart)