Universal Music Day Celebration at library Saturday
Published 3:10 pm Friday, October 11, 2019
Press release
Music is a universal language; it has the power to change moods and express emotion. It is also an art form that uses both sides of the brain and affects the growth of a child’s brain academically, emotionally,and physically. To promote the benefits of music in the lives of children, the Boyle County Public Library is teaming up with the Danville Children’s Choir for a Universal Music Day Celebration 10:30 a.m.-12:3- p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, held at the library.
The event is being organized and led by Emily Roberts, conductor of the Danville Children’s Choir and Dr. Barbara Hall, Stodghill Professor of Music, Emerita at Centre College and director of the Danville Summer Singers. During this special event, an award-winning short Hungarian film about music will be featured, followed by in interactive music session.
The film has multiple themes focusing on “the power of friendship, of fairness, and of taking a shared stand for what’s right,” says Hall. “The film is charming and the music is lovely, and it is rich in important themes for children and adults.”
Following the film, adults can join in a discussion about arts in education with music educators, while the youth will be taught hand-clapping games and folk songs. The two groups will then reconvene and the children will teach the adults what they have learned. At the end of the event, the Danville Children’s Choir will perform a selection of songs.
“Having an event like this is such a wonderful opportunity to share the joy of making music together,” says Roberts. “Humans are so deeply connected to music and the potential it has to take us deeper into ourselves and in closer relationship with one another. For children, it gives them a place to create, have fun, work through challenges, and see the fruit of dedication over a longer period of time. Children (and anyone at any age) also experience so much freedom through music, using it as a way to escape, or to play, or even to more fully express themselves! In this event we will be celebrating all of this together.”
All ages are invited to attend the Universal Music Day Celebration, which will be held in the Community Room.
More information other upcoming events can be found at www.BoylePubLib.org or by calling859-238-7323.