Letter: McDowell Place ‘stands alone’
Published 12:37 pm Tuesday, October 15, 2019
From J.W. Kemper, Danville —
For the past 18 months, due to a balance problem, I have been residing at McDowell Place of Danville. While I am no authority on retirement homes, I have found this one to be exceptionally clean, large halls to walk, lots of activities, and the food is good with a large variety to choose from.
To sum this up, when I was told by a lady who has been working with residents of this type for an insurance company for 20 years, her comment was you can’t compare McDowell Place with anything in Kentucky. It stands alone.
I believe the county should always remember the hospital administrator Tom Smith who oversaw and directed the building of McDowell Place of Danville.
This letter was written without suggestion from the staff of McDowell Place and it is completely voluntary on my part and unknown to them.