From our files, Jan. 25, 2020
Published 2:52 pm Friday, January 24, 2020
100 YEARS AGO — 1920
- Sheriff M.J. Farris Jr. left this morning for Frankfort with two men who had been sentenced to terms in the state penitentiary. One will serve two years for horse stealing and the other will serve one year for malicious cutting.
- Every man in Boyle County who served in the Army or Navy at any time between April 6, 1917 and Nov. 11, 1918, is urged to attend a meeting at the courthouse in Danville on Feb. 2. The meeting will be to form a permanent organization of the Boyle County Post of the American Legion. It is hoped that at least 400 members will join. Officials believe there are between 300 and 400 veterans in Boyle County, and it is their duty to enroll in the Legion.
- Eugene Bell, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Bell on Smith Street, and Miss Susie Stevens, 14, who is living with her sister, Mrs. D.J. Hunt in Park Place Addition, have been missing from their homes since 8 o’clock last night. Eugene went to the Cogar & Quesenberry store where his father is a meat cutter. Eugene got Mr. Bell’s car and took his father home, then told his parents he was going to a picture show. Instead, however, he went to his sweetheart’s home and picked her up without saying where they were going. The boy’s parents believe that the young couple went to Jeffersonville, Indiana, to get married.
- The Home Building and Development Company has let a contract to Ashby Jackson to remodel the McGroty residence on the corner of McGroty and Main streets. It’s the property the company recently purchased for the purpose of building several new houses. The old building will be modernized and rebuilt to accommodate four families. Several new cottages will also be erected by the company.
- Danville has been offered the opportunity of organizing a unit of the National Guard. Only 25 places are to be selected as stations for the organization of the units. The old National Guard virtually went out of existence with the demobilization of troops in the recent war, and the state is now practically without military protection.
75 YEARS AGO — 1945
- One of the most enthusiastic boosters and workers for the local Infantile Paralysis (Polio) campaign in Boyle county is Jackie Lee Roberts, 14, known as “the Sunshine of Junction City.” During last year’s drive she was at Kosair hospital in Louisville receiving treatment to relieve the after-affects of polio. This year, she has resumed her work on behalf of the project. Jackie first became a victim when she was 3 years old.
- Private Hobert Roberts, a resident of Danville whose wife is Lucy Roberts, is a rifleman member of the 337th Wolverine Regiment, which recently took 3,000-foot Mount Pratone in the Gothic Line, digging German soldiers out of elaborate concrete pillboxes and earthworks on its forested slopes.
- A quantity of yarn for making Navy sweaters and sheeting to be sewed for use in Navy hospitals has been received in Danville by the Navy Mothers Club of Boyle County. Members of the club and other women interested in knitting or sewing can go to her home at 243 East Main Street to pick up the supplies.
50 YEARS AGO — 1970
- Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Black, of Lincoln Avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ball, of Harrodsburg; and Cliff Black II have returned from Washington D.C. where they attended the first anniversary ball of the Republican Party in honor of President Nixon’s inauguration. Mrs. Black’s daughter, Phyllis Kresge, formerly of Danville, is employed in the executive office of the president.
- A group of 14 royal ambassadors of First Baptist Church were recognized and received awards for their achievements in the RA program. The boys were Bill Tipton, Ray Vaught, Michael Young, Dean Nutter, Doug Stallard, Gary Porter, Chuck Stallard, Danny Stallard, Jimmy Wade, Johnny Morris, David Hester, Mike Cassada, Michael Tipton and Gary Lewis. The counselors were Bill Vaught and Bill Stallard.
- Danville’s dump will soon be filled up. More industry, people and houses have just about exhausted the Danville city dump off of Second Street. William Schmidt, city manager, told the city commission that the city is about three or four months away from having to close the area because of a complete fill up.
- A recent Centre College convocation focused on the problems of drug abuse and addiction. Although the Clinical Research Center of the National Institute of Mental Health in Lexington is almost exclusively concerned with opiate addicts, such as users of hard narcotics like heroin and morphine, much the of the discussion was spent on the topic of LSD and other hallucinogens, amphetamines and barbiturates.
25 YEARS AGO — 1995
- The scaling down of the nation’s armed forces is putting more responsibilities on National Guard and Reserve units. How those changes will affect employers was outlined during “Breakfast with the Boss” at Danville’s Days Inn. The session with employers was sponsored by the state Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, and was the first of several planned around the state to brief companies on the changes.
- Three residents of Regency Estates expressed concerns to the Danville City Commission about plans to put in a park around the pond on East Main Street. Some of the questions had to do with the way the property is maintained and the sinkhole that opened up several years ago which drained the pond. Steven Gravitt, program development coordinator for the city, said the city will fill in the sinkhole and put on a protective cap. Flooding problems will also be addressed.
- Hardee’s of Danville, which opened at the corner of Hustonville Road and Lisa Avenue several years ago, has closed. No reason was given and workers were already at the business preparing to move out equipment.