Recent public records published Feb. 21, 2020
Published 5:40 am Friday, February 21, 2020
Cases handled recently in Boyle District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
- Jonathan E. Allison, 29, Stanford: second-degree fleeing or evading police on foot, 180 days; two counts contempt of court, 30 days each count, all time to run concurrently, credit for eight days served, remaining time probated one year.
- Jackie Gosser, 53, Stanford: public intoxication, $25.
- Sofia Matias, 29, Parksville: two counts violation of county ordinance, dismissed; dogs to be vaccinated against rabies, $100.
- Victoria A. Peyton, 28, Danville: public intoxication with controlled substance, 30 days; second-degree burglary, amended to attempt, 365 days, credit for nine days served, remaining time probated two years, banned from property.
- James J. Smith, 73, Stanford: possession of marijuana, 30 days, probated one year; driving with expired license, dismissed; disregarding right of way, $25.
Civil judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
- Bank of America vs. Coby J. Langham, default judgment for plaintiff, $5,167.99, plus court costs.
- Cindy Ann Ragland vs. Gary Lee Ragland, divorce granted.
Criminal judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
- Devin Hurt, 26, Stanford: trafficking in a controlled substance, heroin, amended to first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, drug unspecified, three years, suspended three years, five years probation; two counts contempt of court, merged.
- William Turk, 27, Lexington: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree drug unspecified, 12 months; first-degree trafficking a controlled substance, three years; possession of drug paraphernalia, 12 months, all time to run concurrently; two counts contempt of court, merged.
- Franky Wilson, 69, Danville: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, meth, two years, suspended two years, five years probation, complete drug treatment program; contempt of court, merged.
- Isaiah Henry, 24, Danville: first-degree fleeing or evading police, three years; tampering with physical evidence, amended to attempt, 12 months; trafficking in marijuana, 12 months; no liability insurance, 30 days, all time to run concurrently; two counts contempt of court, merged.
- Margaret Spears, 35, Liberty: order revoking probation.
- Nathaniel Turpin, 21, Hustonville: first-degree unlawful transaction with a minor, sex act under age 16, amended to second-degree, pretrial diversion granted; first-degree unlawful transaction with a minor, sex act under ge 16, amended to third-degree, 90 days, suspended 90 days, two years probation.
Cases filed recently in U.S. Bankruptcy Court include the following:
Chapter 7
- Junior Hacker, 114 Cardinal Circle, Lancaster
- Deborah L. Jasper, 1975 Stanford Road, Lancaster
- Chad L. Riley and Janet S. Riley, 360 West Grubbs Lane, Danville
- Natalie Haarman, P.O. Box 502, Brodhead
- William Hagan and Roberta Hagan, 214 E. Erskine Drive, Danville
- Kierstan Foley, 202 Doty Lane, Lancaster
Chapter 7
Gregory Ryan Baldock, 100 Napier St. Liberty
Chapter 7: Court-appointed trustee sells assets, and debtor is discharged of debt.
Chapter 13: Debtor arranges to repay debt.