From our files, April 4, 2020

Published 5:02 pm Friday, April 3, 2020

100 YEARS AGO — 1920


The Linneman brothers, proprietors of the Home Bakery of Danville, have installed electric machinery with which they are making bread entirely by electricity. For the past several months, the men have enlarged their storeroom and modernized and installed various kinds of new machinery. The new electric bakery is the most modern and cleanest way of making bread, which is mixed, rolled, scaled, baked and wrapped by electricity. There is no town the size of Danville that we know of that has a bakery of this kind.

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The 22 unlicensed dogs impounded by Sheriff Farris and his deputies “broke jail” Saturday night by digging under the side of the building in which they were being held. When Mr. Farris and Jailer Timoney went to look after their prisoners yesterday morning, they found that seven of the smallest dogs had escaped. The large dogs could not quite get through the tunnel, but were working hard in an effort to do so. If given a little more time all of the unfortunate canines would have made their get-away.


Boyle County’s courthouse should be replaced with a new one or given a thorough cleaning, as the dirt and filth that has accumulated about the building is very noticeable and is calculated to spread disease. Down the hallway in this old building people will notice that there are no cuspidors to be seen, but on the floor and walls there are indications of “much spitting” of tobacco juice and other things. This is not the fault of the janitor, but because this old building, with the worn out floor covering and the decayed walls can not be kept in a sanitary condition.


Those desiring to build or are seeking a splendid investment should attend the auction of lots recently purchased by the C.A. West Realty Co. from Fred Harris and adjoins Charles Rodes, fronting on North Third, High and Fifth streets. The improvements consist of four cottages and several beautiful building sites. This new high-class subdivision is right in the heart of the city. The area will be known as Hillcrest.


75 YEARS AGO — 1945


Prvt. Walter Killion, 19, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ash Killion of Center Street, has been reported killed in action somewhere in Germany. The young soldier was last heard from in a letter dated March 13. Before joining the armed forces in 1943, the young man was a junior at Danville High School where he played on the basketball and football teams. He was also employed at Elmer Stephens Store.


The chairman of the Boyle County Clothing Committee told the Kiwanians about the project to collect old clothes to aid war victims. The committee needs every kind of apparel for men, women, children and infants. The only articles not being accepted will be ladies’s hats and evening clothes. Shoes of all types are needed too.


Tally-Ho Hannah, the handsome six-year-old Dalmation and member of the Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hannah family of St. Mildred’s Court, has returned home after more than two years of service with the U.S. Marine Corps, with an honorable discharge and a certificate and letters testifying that he “rendered splendid service as a sentry dog for two years at a United States Naval station.” The gentle, dignified black and white dog was earmarked for combat duty during the war, but was found to retain so much of his early training when he was reared as a put with the young Hannah children, that he refused to obey commands to bite. Tally-Ho, therefore, was assigned to sentinel duty and has since performed with the Marine Corps on the coast of North Carolina. Happy and excited, Tally-Ho arrived in a large crate titled, “Devil Dog, USMC.”


50 YEARS AGO — 1970


The Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission has given unanimous approval to the rezoning of a 251.1 track on the Danville-Harrodsburg Road for the use of a health center. The track was known as the Bell Heirs farm beginning at the intersection of U.S. 127 and Buster-Faulkner Station Road. Approval was given to building a medical center, hospital, professional office building, a vocational school and various other allied and commercial facilities sponsored by the nonprofit corporation of Bluegrass Science, Education and Research Foundation.


A team of nine people planted about 1,000 white pine trees near the new Butler-Myers lake at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Refuge.


Employment opportunities and training will be the topic of a public meeting at city hall. It is being sponsored by the Human Relations Council. There will be a panel discussion about on the job training, special skills training, and the present needs of industries.


Beginning midnight May 31, the ambulance service furnished to Boyle County residents for many years by funeral homes will be a thing of the past. All four funeral homes in Boyle County have announced they will no longer make ambulance runs.


25 YEARS AGO — 1995


The city of Danville got back into the business of providing emergency medical care, drawing the ire of Boyle County Judge-Executive Tony Wilder. The city has stopped answering calls early this year after the county complained it was operating without a license. The city has begun answering emergency calls as a first response team, providing care until a Boyle County Emergency Medical Services vehicle arrives.


Kentucky School for the Deaf Superintendent Harvey Corson is open to the idea of a city park and pool on his campus, but he wants to know what KSD students, parents, staff and alumni think. Corson also wants to make sure the 80 acres the Danville City Commission wants to lease for the park does not get in the way of a new auditorium and student center, which are a top priority of the school.