Boyle County continues to flatten the curve concerning the spread of COVID-19
Published 5:07 pm Tuesday, April 7, 2020
- Customers at the Danville Post Office are greeted by a sign instructing them to keep a safe distance between themselves and other customers. (Photo by Jeff Moreland)
As of Tuesday afternoon, no new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Boyle County, according to County Health Department Director Brent Blevins, which keeps the county’s total to 10 people who have confirmed cases of the virus. The predominant symptoms that have been reported locally are: headache, chest pressure, fever, chills, cough and even some gastrointestinal issues, Blevins said.
During the semi-weekly county-city public online report Monday afternoon, Blevins said locally, “It’s not just one person that’s being diagnosed, and then that’s it.” What happens is that one person infects another, then soon, six or seven people have the virus associated with that first case. You can see how the spread starts happening. It multiplies, then it all traces back to maybe one meeting.”
Blevins said that’s how the spread of the illness quickly becomes unmanageable.
“Make sure you are not being part of a group right now, that is continuing to meet.” He said, “I’ve dealt with two different churches today that are continuing to meet, and that is not what we want.”
Blevins said, “Most of the churches are doing a tremendous job,” by offering online services and even a drive-up service. “Use those methods to continue to meet, but don’t be meeting together in one building,” he added.

Debbie Hill does business at the Danville Post Office. Customers must now do transactions through a plastic divider placed at the counter to separate employees from the public as a COVID-19 safety measure. (Photo by Jeff Moreland)
Since the large box stores are now limiting the number of people who can enter at one time, Blevins said the public should follow the rules and wait in line, “just like anybody else.”
“And please, when you get in there, don’t be rude to the people working at the stores. … Don’ t be mean to them. Don’t act like they’re not there. Those people are working as hard as they can to help all of us as citizens to have their groceries we need every day and to help us get the service that we need.”
Blevins said, “Most people are really nice, but those of you who aren’t, we don’t need that. These people are doing a great service for us and we need to support them.”
Boyle County Judge-Executive Howard Hunt also read a statement from District 6 Magistrate John Caywood, who wrote, “It becomes our responsibility to follow these orders, and come together for each other as a district, a city, a county, a state and nation.”

Charlie Martin, a customer at Save-A-Lot in Danville, pays Lisa Dreager for his groceries around a plexiglass barrier the store has put in place to protect its employees and customers. (Photo by Jeff Moreland)
Caywood asked everyone to display the American flag anywhere that’s appropriate and can be seen by the public. “Throughout our history, the American flag has been a symbol to come together … and to never give up during trying times. Together we can overcome this moment and carry our great nation to victory.”