Happy Birthday Barbara, pandemic style

Published 10:31 am Thursday, April 9, 2020

Text and photos by Robin Hart


During a peaceful, spring afternoon on Wednesday, a caravan of singers drove past Barbara Hall’s home on West Broadway and blasted the quiet neighborhood with honking horns and “Happy Birthday” wishes.

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April 8 was Hall’s 70th birthday, and members of Danville Sings, including the choirs Sounding Joy and Resonance, wanted to help her celebrate. So they planned a surprise birthday parade.

Hall was beckoned to her front door by a trumpet serenade from Vince DiMartino. When Hall came outside the vehicles slowly drove by and her friends waved and shouted “Happy Birthday.”

A close neighbor, Kay Arnold, strolled to Hall’s home carrying a bouquet of colorful balloons and enjoyed seeing the sight.

Afterward Arnold said she’s never been to a birthday parade due to a pandemic.