Junction City trying to get residents to comply to ordinances
Published 10:44 am Friday, October 16, 2020
The Junction City Police Chief, along with members of the Junction City Fire Department are in the process of notifying residents to comply with the city’s ordinance requiring house numbers to be easily visible.
Mayor Jim Douglas said for some reason many people living within the city limits don’t bother to put their address numbers on their property.
“It’s very aggravating,” said Mayor Jim Douglas during last week’s regular city council meeting. “It’s a nightmare,” because the city has been begging residents to comply for several years, he said.
Police Chief Russell Preston said sometimes a row of mailboxes posted on the side of a road where the homes sit further away will have numbers on them, but the residences don’t have them.
In an emergency, first responders still don’t know which home they were called to, Preston said.
He’s also notified the council that he was sending certified letters to residents telling them they had 10 days to remove junk vehicles, appliances and other trash out of their yards or they would be cited and summoned to a court appearance.
In other business the council:
- Approved the second reading of an ordinance to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommended zone change for a business located at 275 Margus Drive from Single Family Residential to Highway Business to allow the expansion of an auto repair business, which still follows the city’s newly adopted Future Land Use Map.
- Discussed how to finish installing new playground equipment at the city park that was donated by the county.
- Set Trick-or-Treat hours in the city to be from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31. However, the council decided that its annual Trunk-or-Treat at the fire department would be canceled this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.