Boyle County public records
Published 9:07 am Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Cases handled recently in Boyle District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
• Ruben Ray Clark, 38, Nicholasville: first-degree possession of controlled substance, heroin, amended to criminal attempt, 365 days; contempt of court, dismissed; first-degree criminal possession of forged instrument, amended to third-degree, 365 days; first-degree possession of controlled substance, meth, amended to attempt, 365 days; first-degree possession of controlled substance, drug unspecified, 365 days; possession of marijuana, 45 days; possession of drug paraphernalia, 365 days, all time to run concurrently, probated two years.
• Hagen Black, 28, Danville: first-degree possession of controlled substance, meth, second offense, amended to attempt, 200 days; possession of drug paraphernalia, 200 days; failure to use proper signal, dismissed; driving on suspended license, 30 days; theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting merchandise valued less than $500, 200 days; resisting arrest, 200 days; public intoxication, dismissed, all time to run concurrently, $143.34 restitution to Walmart.
• Rodney A. Lear, 65, Stanford: fourth-degree assault, dismissed; first-degree wanton endangerment, amended to second-degree disorderly conduct, 90 days, probated one year, no contact with victim.
• Valarie K. Meece, 36, Somerset: first-degree possession of controlled substance, heroin, amended to attempt, 365 days; possession of drug paraphernalia, 365 days; tampering with physical evidence, amended to attempt, 365 days; first-degree promoting contraband, amended to attempt, 365 days; contempt of court, seven days; driving on suspended license, amended to no license in possession, seven days; contempt of court, seven days; and no or expired registration plates and no or expired Kentucky registration, both dismissed, all time to run concurrently, credit for seven days served, remaining time probated two years.
• Derek Tyler Olson, 35, Danville: first-degree possession of controlled substance, meth, amended to attempt, 180 days; first-degree possession of controlled substance drug unspecified, 180 days; driving on suspended license, third offense, amended to attempt, 180 days, all time to run concurrently with each other and with any other sentences; no or expired registration, no or expired Kentucky registration and no seat belts, all dismissed.
Civil judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• Mary Ann Griffin vs. William Richard Griffin, divorce granted.
• Greenriver Investments LLC vs. Clay Mebius Cantrell, judgment for plaintiff and order of sale for back taxes.
• Community Trust Bank Inc. vs. Shearers Dustless Blasting Solutions, Dana Shearer and Jeffery Shearer, judgment for plaintiff and order of sale, $89,462.63 and $50,00 pus interest and fees.
Criminal judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• Christopher Francisco: first-degree trafficking a controlled substance, cocaine, amended to second-degree drug unspecified, 12 months, concurrently with all other sentences; tampering with physical evidence, amended to attempt, 12 months; contempt of court, merged; two counts persistent felony offender, dismissed, order forfeiting seizures; first-degree trafficking a controlled substance, meth, five years, concurrently; tampering with physical evidence, five years; two counts first-degree persistent felony offender, amended to second-degree, enhanced; two counts contempt of court, merged.
• Kenia Garcia: first-degree trafficking a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree possession drug unspecified, six months; first-degree promoting contraband, amended to second-degree, six months, concurrently, suspended six months, two years probation, credit for 16 days served.
• Anthony Mays: tampering with physical evidence, one year; first-degree possession of a controlled substance, cocaine, one year, concurrently; eight counts contempt of court, merged.
•Tyler Chumley: second-degree arson, amended to third-degree, one year, restitution; contempt of court, dismissed.
•Tiffany Harlan: trafficking a controlled substance, heroin, amended to first-degree possession of a controlled substance, drug unspecified, two years; first-degree possession of a controlled substance, heroin, two years, concurrently, suspended two years, five years probation; two counts contempt of court, merged.
• Lawrence Barrow: second-degree burglary, amended to first-degree criminal trespassing, 12 months, suspended 12 months, credit for 48 days served, two years probation; fourth-degree assault, 12 months, concurrently, probated the same.
• Noah Smith: first-degree trafficking controlled substance, meth, two years, to run consecutively with four other Boyle County cases; two counts contempt of court, merged; first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, one year, consecutively with all other cases; two counts first-degree bail jumping, one year, one count consecutively and one count concurrently to all other time.
• Rodney Penman: first-degree possession of controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree, drug unspecified, 12 months, to run concurrently with Garrard County case; four counts contempt of court, merged; first-degree bail jumping, one year, consecutively with four Boyle county cases.
• Jeffrey Rogers: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree, drug unspecified, 60 days, suspended 60 days, credit for one day served, two years probation.
• Curtis Cook: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, heroin, one year, consecutively with Pulaski County case but concurrently with other Boyle County time; driving on suspended license, three months, concurrently; no driver’s liability insurance, three months, concurrently; first-degree possession of a controlled substance, drug specified, one year, consecutively with Pulaski case.
• Floyd Stevens: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree drug unspecified, 12 months, suspended 12 months, credit for two days served, two years probation, to run concurrently with all other sentences; possession of drug paraphernalia, 12 months concurrently.
• Bobby Hurd: complicity possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree possession, drug unspecified, 60 days, credit for 60 days served; contempt of court, merged.
• Elizabeth Wildes: first-degree complicity to robbery, amended to first-degree facilitation, pretrial diversion granted.
• Danny Yocum: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree possession, drug unspecified, 90 days, credit for 90 days served.
Cases handled recently in Boyle District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
• Fred Richard Boynton III, 57: fourth-degree assault, date violence, 120 days; second-degree disorderly conduct, 30 days, concurrently, credit for 21 days served, remaining time probated one year.
Justin M. Cummins, 23, Mt. Vernon: third-degree criminal mischief, attempt theft by unlawful taking/ parts from a vehicle valued less than $500; possession of drug paraphernalia; third-degree possession of controlled substance, drug unspecified; and two counts contempt of court, 90 days each charge, to run concurrently with each other and with state time now serving.
• Danielle Vinyard, 34, Danville: theft by unlawful taking/shoplifting, merchandise valued less than $500, 120 days; contempt of court, 12 days, concurrently, credit for 12 days served, remaining time probated one year, $250.19 restitution, banned from Walmart.
Civil judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• LVNV Funding LLC vs. Carol Harmon, default judgment for plaintiff, $6,200.23.
• Christina Michelle Fox vs. Justin Michael Fox, divorce granted.
• Jesus Alejandro Sanchez vs. Betty P. Sanchez, divorce granted.
Criminal judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
• Floyd Stevens, 54, Danville: first-degree possession of a controlled substance, meth, amended to second-degree drug unspecified, 12 months, suspended 12 months, two years probation; possession of drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrently, probated the same.
Marriage licenses issued recently in the office of Boyle County Clerk Trille Bottom include:
• Barbara Sue Eyer, 59, Court Street USA, Danville, and Leonard Roark, 59, QA Tech, Frankfort.
• Jima Darlene Thomas, 39, food service manager, Junction City, and Nicholas Bradford Duncan, 32, Creative Design, Jamestown.
• Samantha Ann King, 25, cashier, and Patrick Shane O’Conner, 43, restaurant, both of Danville.
• Felisa Ann Chappell, 60, social worker, Connecticut, and Kenneth Leslie Alexander, 59, EOD technician, Danville.
• Naquita Marie Thornton, 32, homemaker, Lancaster, and Edwin Wayne Riley, 44, LSC, Harrodsburg.
• Trena Lee Logsdon, 61, retired, and Donald Lee Burchett, 62, truck driver, both of Lebanon.
• Philippa Asherwood, 22, student, and Denson Eugene Jenkins, 21, student, both of Harrodsburg.
• Allicea Katherine Mills, 32, unemployed, and Akatosh Slaatic Macargea, 26, self-employed, both of Danville.