Letter: We all deserve elections that are transparent, accessible and fair
Published 12:56 pm Thursday, March 4, 2021
We all deserve elections that are transparent, accessible, and fair. In the U.S. Congress before the Oversight Committee chaired by Rep. Carolyn Maloney is a bill that works to achieve that goal, H.B 1, For The People Act.
It would create a system to enact small-dollar matching fund programs for Congressional and Presidential races financed, not by taxpayers, but by fines on corporation and executive wrongdoing. This would reduce a candidate’s dependence on big donor interests and open the door for more candidates to compete for office.
It would trace big political donations to their true source, eliminate loopholes for hiding campaign financing and ensure the public be notified about who pays for campaign on-line ads. It would strengthen bans on foreign national spending on our elections.
It would also set require each state to set up a party independent redistricting committee to create redistricting of voting areas not influenced by political party bias but by population as reflected in the most current census.
The bill has passed the House and advanced to the Senate. Please call Brett Guthrie at 202-225-3501 and encourage him to vote for it when it comes to the floor.
Jane Preston