DEA Take Back Day Saturday
Published 12:45 pm Thursday, April 22, 2021
Police officers will be in the side lobby of Danville City Hall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 24. They will be accepting prescription drugs, which the city will relinquish to the Drug Enforcement Administration to be disposed of properly. Danville Police Detective Lisa Dollins said people often throw away unused prescriptions or flush them down the toilet, which can lead to toxins in water and land. With the Take Back program, it allows for proper disposal through the DEA. She said Take Back has a large focus on opioids and issues surrounding addiction to opioids — if someone has extra medication they no longer need, it’s important they not take the medication or to run the risk of someone else taking the drugs if they’re not disposed of, she said. Danville officers host Take Back twice a year.