First reading of zone change for housing lots approved
Published 11:00 am Friday, September 3, 2021
- Conceptual plan for lots.
A zone change request has been filed for approximately 24.4 acres of unincorporated territory in Boyle County, from agricultural to single family residential, to allow the process of putting housing lots on the property.
The Boyle County Fiscal Court made the unanimous decision on Aug. 24 to approve the first reading of the zone change.
The property is located at 3488 Old Hustonville Road, and the applicant for the zone change is Fowler-Dunn Developers, LLC. Property owners are Thomas and Doris McGirr, according to a staff report from the Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission.
According to the ordinance, the P&Z board recommended the zone change on July 28, when Fowler-Funn Developers, LLC and the McGirrs presented a petition for a zoning ordinance map amendment for the acres. *
P&Z Director Steve Hunter said the property is a farm and is being proposed to be developed as single-family homes in two or three phases.
“Phase one is shown on the Concept Plan as 23 lots,” Hunter said in an email. “The P&Z (board) approved a maximum of 68 lots.”
There are 10 development conditions on the property, including that the property will be limited to single access points to Old Hustonville Road, and access points will be approved by Boyle County; the property will have a maximum of 68 single family residences developed; utility lines will be located underground and the property will be connected to sanitary sewer; the residences will each have, exclusive of garages and porches, 1,500 square feet, minimum, and will have at least a single-car garage; the residences will be built with at least 20% brick or stone, not including their foundations; and platting of phase two of the development, or platting 50 or more lots on the subject property, will entitle Boyle County to require the submission of a traffic study.