From our files, Oct. 16
Published 8:00 am Saturday, October 16, 2021
100 YEARS AGO – 1921
• J.M. Wrenn, proprietor of Danville Market, is an “old timer” of the 12th Infantry, having been a soldier in that regiment through the Spanish-American war. He was later on the staff of General McArthur, commander of the Second Division of the Philippine expeditionary forces. Wrenn’s brother, Robert B., served in Company M, Twenty-Third Infantry.
• Congressman J. Campbell Cantrill will talk about the cooperative tobacco marketing plan, prior to a free barbecue dinner at the Boyle County Court Day.
• The 11th Infantry will be camping in the little city of Springfield , a delightful city of 1,500 inhabitants, It has three banks, concrete sidewalks and a large new school building. The people in Springfield are anxious to see the soldiers of the Eleventh and intend to make them feel welcome. The camp is about 28 miles west of Danville. The Infantry with 1,500 strong marched through Danville’s Main Street with colors flying and the band playing. The soldier boys are now 89 miles from the end of their journey from Camp Jackson, S.C., to Kentucky, having walked the entire distance.
75 YEARS AGO – 1946
• Mrs. J.E. Butler was named president of the Family Welfare Association of Boyle county at the annual business session. The Rev. Barney Ellis Maclean, is the retiring president. Mrs. Frank Medaris was named vice president; Julia Durham and Mrs. Roger Clark were re-elected as secretary and treasurer, respectively.
• A new insurance firm, Edwards Insurance Agency, located in the Central Kentucky Building and Loan Association building, opened today. The firm made up of Joe T. Edwards, and his son, Rex D., who have had experience in dealing with insurance. Joe will manage the general insurance department, and Rex D. will have charge of the life insurance department.
• If anyone doubts that big-mouthed bass were bitin’ well at Herrington Lake, he can get a preachers’ word for it that the limit can be caught in the vicinity of Gwinn Island. The Rev. C.E. McLean, former pastor of Stanford, took his catch of ten using pawpaw as bait. Charles Kriener also took home four of the bass while Dick Davis got four, compared to three the day before.
50 YEARS AGO – 1971
• A new electrified flag pole has been erected at the Federal Building in Danville. The flag is stored inside the pole and can be put into place or lowered from inside the building. Electric eye equipment lowers the flag automatically when it becomes cloudy.
• Danville-Boyle County Rescue Squad has moved into its permanent building.
• Plans for the 200th anniversary celebration in Kentucky in 1975 were discussed by the Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President Ed Doherty will name a committee soon to formulate plans for the community’s part in the celebration.
25 YEAR AGO – 1996
• Donnie Harp, fire chief, and Mike Lamb, police chief, began working as police dispatcher, have ended their careers. Harp was hired in 1972 began working part-time while a student at Eastern Kentucky University. Lamb was hired two years later.
• Boyle County decided to make money from old appliances. Fiscal Court signed an agreement with Lincoln Scrap Metal to pick up old appliances. The comp[any works with Bluegrass Regional Corp., that sells goods recycled in a 17-county area. Of the money raised for the pickup, Boyle will get $25 foe each loan of white goods and the recycle company gets $5.
• Gentry Martin received the Volunteer of the Year Award. He volunteered one Saturday a month for the past six years at the county animal shelter. He was honored for his efforts on behalf of abandoned and stray dogs and cats.
• The 1996 Halloween on Main Street was scheduled from 5:30 to 7 p.m. A children’s costume contest, parade, and trick or treat will be featured.
• A new book on the history of the Forkland community went on sale this week. “Forkland Heritage, Its People, Past and Present 1793-1996” has 300-plus pages that also includes the first volume.