Determined to be on the same page with God
Published 6:29 am Tuesday, February 1, 2022
Last year was challenging for many, and as we move ahead in 2022, may we dedicate our minds and hearts to continue drawing as near to God as we can. Psalm 24:7 promises, “The angel of the Lord encamps round about them that fear Him, and He delivers them.” This is referring to the reverential fear that many Christians have become too busy to think about. Let us not become distracted or discouraged as the enemy is trying to weaken and scatter God’s people. Pray for spiritual sensitivity so that you will not allow the intensity of the Holy Spirit’s fire within you to dwindle to a lukewarm ember. Where are the living sacrifices, and where is the boldness and desperation to walk with God? Guard your heart and never lose your fervency to obey God or the constant longing for His presence. Jesus is waiting for His warriors to awaken and prepare for His return, but many do not see the urgency.
You see, the Lord has a general will which is His written word, and a unique and specific will that includes unwritten detailed instructions for all of us. God’s promises are the last will and testament of Jesus Christ which means that Biblical truth is eternally enforced and activated. This means we are called to confess these instructions and receive these blessings by faith. He is the testator and we are His heirs according to His covenant as His word is true and never fails! He rose from the dead which confirms every statement He spoke is alive and active and our obedience to the Holy Spirit who works through us, empowers us to walk in God’s authority for His glory. My brand new book, “Receiving our Healing – Going to war on our knees” has just been released, and it’s about understanding this covenant relationship with God and how together with His truth and our faith, we can receive healing and live victoriously in this life.
His specific will is based on His sovereign desires and plans, but this does not mean we cannot know what they are. Since Christ and the Holy Spirit dwell within God’s people, it’s possible to become so close to Him that we can hear His voice and know His will. Those who seek will find and the ones who knock the doors shall be opened to them. Having the mind of Christ is rarely taught and much of this is because the religious masses are not interested in sacrificing or surrendering the control of the flesh. Only those who are passionate to yield their will can enter into the higher levels of understanding. We want Jesus as our Savior, but accepting Him as our Lord means that He manages our thoughts, words, and actions. This is the narrow way that God intended for His people, and according to this required dedication, the authority of the Almighty will be manifested in a remnant of devoted believers. Romans 11:5 says, “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” If you needed to speak with a remnant overcomer about God and your soul who would you trust?
I am grateful to the Lord Jesus for His mercy and grace. By faith I anticipate Him pouring out His Spirit upon us and giving discernment and the awareness of His authority to those who desire His glorious presence. As we move closer to the end of the age, we know He is not returning for a church that is weak, confused and distracted. He is coming for a glorious bride whose garments are without spot and wrinkle and have overcome the carnality of their flesh and temptations from the evil one. Seek the Lord while He may be found and fast and pray until you are filled with the holy fire of His Spirit. Pray and seek Him for a burden for the lost as this is the result of spiritual love. We will never care about souls until we love people enough to pray for them. Having an obsession to walk with God does not fall out of the air, but rather the mind and heart must be trained and renewed to desire what He desires. Overcomers are recognized as the true church which the gates of hell will never prevail against. Peace and hope to you, and may the Lord continue to give you His wisdom and understanding.
Learn more about his new book and the Christian life at