See photos of Saturday’s Demolition Derby
Published 5:31 pm Wednesday, June 22, 2022
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Cars grind up mud at Saturday’s demo derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Among dead cars, a driver turns around to keep going. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Car 23T hits car 26 so hard that the car knocks over a piece of the cement wall, and stays there until the derby finishes. Photo by Fiona Morgan
The G3 Sellers car collides head on with another car, which puts G3 out of commission for the remainder of the derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
The G3 Sellers car collides head on with another car, which puts G3 out of commission for the remainder of the derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Car 10X rams into another car at Saturday’s demo derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Karma cars at the demo derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Tires spray mud into the air at Saturday’s demo derby. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Car 10X rams another car. Photo by Fiona Morgan
The crowd loved the demo derby on Saturday. Photo by Fiona Morgan
Driver of 10X waits to start the derby
The driver of the Brittany Murphy 11B car waits to start the derby
Karma cars ram into each other. photo by Fiona Morgan
The Young-n-Wreckless Demolition Derby was held Friday and Saturday at the Boyle County Fair. Saturday’s event had several rounds of the derby, each one muddier than the last.
The crowd filled the bleachers – those in the front rows getting sprayed with mud every so often. But the die hard fans didn’t mind.