Community Announcements
Published 2:57 pm Monday, August 29, 2022
• The Garden Club of Danville will meet at 1 p.m. Sept. 7 at the Presbyterian Church. The program will be Herbs. The speaker will be Babette Overman with Nature Thyme Herb Club. Pot-et-Fleur is the floral design for the meeting. The horticulture specimen is a Potted Culinary Herb, or any worthy specimen from your garden. The public and prospective members are welcome. To learn more about the Garden Club, go to Facebook, Garden Club of Danville, or call 859-583-4805.
• Memorial High School will be having a multi-year reunion Sept. 17 at Greer Park in Kings Mountain. The park is located on Highway 501 west of Kings Mountain. The gate will open at 3 p.m. and the meal will be at 5 p.m. The meat and drinks will be provided, so please bring a side or a dessert. If you graduated or attended Memorial you are welcome. For more information, call Jackie Greer at 859-582-3225, or Lanny Hubbard at 606-365-9579.
• Mercer County High School Class of 1972 is having a 50th class reunion on Sept. 24. RSVP by Sept. 10 to Teresa Tewmey at 615-545-5242, or